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Commemorative Works Committee Meetings, Dates, and Filing Deadlines

The Commemorative Works Committee is a citywide body established by The Commemorative Works Amendment Act of 2000 that meets monthly to review commemorative work applications and advise the Mayor and District Council who are required to take a final action on each proposal. All reviews and comments on applications are considered by the Committee prior to advising the Mayor and District Council. The nine-member Committee is staffed by the Office of Planning, chaired by the Director of the Office of Planning, and has members representing the Department of Parks and Recreation, Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Historic Preservation Review Board, and citizens appointed by the Mayor and Chair of District Council.

The Commemorative Works Committee meets virtually the third Friday of every other month and the public is welcome to attend. Sponsors must submit a complete application to the Office of Planning three weeks before the Commemorative Works Committee meeting to be considered at that month’s meeting. Sponsors are strongly encouraged to coordinate with Office of Planning staff prior to submitting an application to make sure it is complete when submitted.

Upcoming meeting agendas and access links are published on the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Open DC website. Presentations and minutes from past meetings are also available on Open DC. 

For additional information about the Commemorative Works Committee meetings, please contact [email protected].

2025 Commemorative Works Committee Schedule 

Meeting Dates Filing Deadline
January 17 December 27
March 21 February 28
May 16 April 25
July 18 June 27
September 19 August 29
November 21 October 31