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Office of Planning

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Zoning Commission Cases (ZC)

The Zoning Commission (ZC) is a five-member, independent, quasi-judicial body responsible for preparing, adopting, and subsequently amending the Zoning Regulations and Zoning Map in a means not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the District. The ZC reviews the following types of applications:

  • Amendments to the Zoning Maps (zoning or rezoning of property);
  • Amendments to the Zoning Text;
  • Planned Unit Developments (PUD) which may include a PUD-related zoning map amendment;
  • University Campus Plans;
  • Design Review in specified parts of the city; and
  • Air Rights Development in Public Space.

For more information about the ZC, or ZC scheduling, refer to the Office of Zoning website. Development Review planners provide analysis, reports, and recommendations on all cases before the ZC, and may initiate cases for amendments to the zoning maps or text..

Ward MapImage Mapsimplified Ward 1 area shown on map simplified Ward 2 area shown on map simplified Ward 3 area shown on map simplified Ward 4 area shown on map simplified Ward 5 area shown on map simplified Ward 6 area shown on map simplified Ward 7 area shown on map simplified Ward 8 area shown on map

The Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) is a five member, independent, quasi-judicial body empowered to grant relief from the strict application of the Zoning Regulations. The Board hears cases related to variances, special exceptions, and appeals of administrative decisions. For more information about the BZA, or for BZA scheduling, refer to the Office of Zoning website.

Zoning Commission Reports

What's My Ward?