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Center City Action Agenda 2008

The Center City Action Agenda is a bold economic and place-making initiative for Central Washington that aims to spur additional investment in emerging neighborhoods that surround the City’s traditional downtown and stretch to include three distinct waterfronts. These areas include:

  • Poplar Point/Anacostia
  • Capitol Riverfront (Ballpark and SE Waterfront)
  • Southwest Waterfront
  • NoMa
  • Northwest One
  • Mount Vernon Triangle
  • Mount Vernon Square District

The agenda provides a compelling vision and a strategic implementation plan for becoming an increasingly diverse and culturally richer place and for growing job opportunities by creating highly competitive new employment centers and greener and more sustainable neighborhoods. It recommends focusing investment in the following four areas: Places, Transportation, Corridors, and the Economy; recognizing that quality public environments - well-designed streets, parks, and shopping corridors, and a range of transportation options - are key to creating and improving access to jobs, services, and other destinations and key ingredients of great neighborhoods.


  1. DC Residents First
  2. Great Places and Experiences
  3. Sustainable, Globally Competitive and Locally Prosperous
  4. Transportation Choice and Walkable Streets 

In addition, annual development and employment goals are established