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Policy Analyst (Food Policy Division)

Monday, November 21, 2022

Job ID: 19809

Opening Date: 11/21/2022

Closing Date: 12/21/2022

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Job Summary

This position is located within the Office of Planning (OP), Food Policy Division. OP has the lead responsibility for planning the long-term growth of the District of Columbia (D.C.) and provides the vision, framework and principles that guide land use change, growth, and development of an equitable and vibrant city. OP undertakes citywide and neighborhood planning and engagement; urban design and development review; historic preservation; mapping and data analysis; and serves as the official Census State Data Center. OP is the steward of the District’s Comprehensive Plan, which advances housing, economic recovery, racial equity, resilience, and coordination of public resources and civic infrastructure.

The Food Policy Division has a food policy team, led by the mayor-appointed D.C. Food Policy Director, that works to make the district’s food system more equitable, healthier, and sustainable. Through research, community engagement, and interagency collaboration, the Food Policy Division addresses challenges and develops solutions to build the local food economy, increases food access, food security, enhances environmental sustainability, and addresses racial inequity in the local food system. As part of this work, the food policy team oversees the D.C. Food Policy Council, a Mayoral board, and commission of the district government.

Duties and Responsibilities

This Policy Analyst is responsible for conducting research, data analysis, and policy development and analysis, centering their work on resident input and racial equity best practices. This position will organize public events, engage in public speaking and presentations, and interagency and intra-agency collaboration, with a heavy emphasis on relationship and trust building. This position will focus on making the communities of the district healthier, sustainable, and economically vibrant; enhancing District resident input in D.C. food policies and programs; and contribute to carrying out the mission of OP. This candidate will conduct research and analysis pertaining to food systems, including topics such as food security, food access, urban agriculture, entrepreneurship, workforce, sustainability, and health equity. Research methods will include, but are not limited to, collecting best practices from other states; analyzing legislation, regulation, and budget documents; conducting stakeholder interviews; and collaborating with partner agencies. They will compile, verify, and analyze data on demographics, government programs, budgets, stakeholder interviews, and challenges for residents and local businesses to use in the development of studies and projects.

The ideal candidate is expected to research best practices pertaining to food and related systems, drawing local, national, and international case studies and examples, as appropriate. Analyzes and distills best practice research into clear summaries and written products. Assist with the preparation of technical food policy reports, including scoping, writing, editing, and reviewing information. Provide strategic analyses of current and emerging trends and policies. Recommend new policy initiatives to supervisors and assists in advancing initiatives for OP.

Click here to learn more about the position and apply today.