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NOFA: Historic Preservation Grant

Monday, November 7, 2022


Office of Planning


Historic Preservation Grant

The DC Office of Planning (OP) is soliciting grant applications for a Historic Preservation Grant. With this grant, the District of Columbia seeks to advance Comprehensive Plan policies related to historic preservation and housing affordability by providing one-time assistance to one multifamily property in need of assistance to make required exterior or structural repairs that comply with historic requirements applicable to the property, while supporting low-income residents of the property and helping to avoid additional condominium or cooperative fees.

Eligibility Criteria: An organization that meets the following eligibility requirements at the time of application may apply:

  • Represents the ownership of a multifamily property in condominium or cooperative ownership located in Washington, DC.
  • The property is listed in the DC Inventory of Historic Sites, either as a historic landmark or contributing building within a historic district. Work on buildings that do not contribute to the character of a historic district is not eligible.
  • At least 25 percent of the unit owners in the multifamily property qualify for a grant under OP’s Targeted Homeowner Grant Program established pursuant to the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, as amended (D.C. Official Code Sec. 6-1110.02).
  • Can provide a Certificate of Clean Hands to verify it is in good financial standing with the Government of the District of Columbia and comply with other required assurances and certifications.

Release Date of RFA: November 21, 2022

Deadline for Submission: December 21, 2022

Availability of RFA: The Request for Applications will be published in the DC Register, the District Clearinghouse, and OP’s website.

Amount of Award: The total funding available through this notice is $1,500,000. The RFA does not commit OP to make an award.

Length of Award: A grant award will be available from the date of issuance through September 30, 2023.

OP Contact: Edward Giefer, 202-442-7629, [email protected]