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HPRB May 28 and June 4, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020

HPRB May 28 and June 4, 2020

The Historic Preservation Review Board will conduct the May 2020 meeting on Thursday, May 28 and continue on Thursday, June 4. These events will take place as virtual meetings. Instructions for accessing, submitting testimony before the meeting and testifying during the meeing  appear below.


Due to the COVID-19 public the May 28 and June 4 HPRB meetings can be accessed live via Webex.  Use the links below to access to the meetings:

May 28 event link: 

May 28 event number:   471 183 338

May 28 event password:   NxgP3qsES32

June 4 event link: 

June 4 event number:   478 218 771

June 4 event password:  fuCaAv3dt22 

Public comments are welcome on HPRB cases. Written public comments must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting.  The final deadline for the May 28th meeting is 10AM on Wednesday, May 27th. Any comments received after the final deadline will held for the record but not distributed to the HPRB members.

To testify before the HPRB via Webex, you must register 24 hours in advance.  Please submit your name and the case you wish to testify on by emailing [email protected]. Instructions for testifying are posted below and will be emailed to you in advance of the meeting.

For a list of individuals registered to testify at the May 28 meeting see below.

Final deadline for comments to be distributed: 

10 am on May 27 (for May 28 meeting)

10 am on June 3  (for June 4 meeting)


Please Note:  Project Drawing Files posted on our website also include the staff report and written public testimony submitted by HPRB deadlines. 

Project Drawings for HPRB applications are now posted on the Office of Planning website. Please select the "HPRB & CFA Project Drawings" button and open the appropriate historic district folder. Drawings are filed by address and are in order of the date added to the website. Please send us an email if you are unable to locate specific project drawings.

View drawings and case materials for the meeting of the HPRB here.


June 4 Update

The following cases scheduled for hearing are deferred.

Mount Vernon Square Historic District - 441 M Street NW, HPA 20-287 (deferred at the request of the applicant to July 23, July 30 docket)

U Street Historic District - 1349 Wallach Place NW, HPA 20-318 (deferred at the request of the applicant to June 25, July 9 docket)


Posting Schedule

Public notice 15 days before the meeting
Agenda and reports 5 days before the meeting
Record of action One week after the meeting