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HPRB December 21, 2006

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on December 21, 2006. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email. 


DECEMBER 21, 2006

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on December 21, 2006.  


2423 18th Street, NW, HPA #06-493, concept/demolition, alteration, new construction. 

Case withdrawn by applicant.


Sheridan-Kalorama Historic District

2152 Wyoming Avenue, NW, HPA #07-020, concept/façade alterations.
The Board approved the proposed door replacement and brick pediment, with the elimination of the fixed round window within the pediment. The Board denied a proposed nine-light window as proportionally incompatible with the building.  If fenestration in the parapet is desired, the staff report stated, the proposal should be revised to create either a single six-light window with panes and a sash frame of the same proportions currently found on the house, or a three-light window inserted in to each of the existing brick panels. Vote 9-0.

Georgetown Historic District

3316 Dent Place, NW, HPA #07-009, two-story rear addition.
The Board approved the application in concept, with final approval delegated to staff, with the condition that at least some of the west elevation windows be revised to be larger openings more in keeping with the size, orientation and proportions of openings elsewhere on the house. Vote 9-0.


1510 Q Street, NW, HPA #06-536, concept/alterations.
The staff report recommending approval of the rear addition, front restoration, and basement entry alteration was approved by the Board with the following conditions: (A) lower the height of the rear addition approximately 2’-0”; (B) stucco cladding to be textured.   Final approval delegated to staff.  Vote 10-0.


1822 4th Street, NW, HPA #06-464, addition, demolition, alterations.
The Board declined to take action because of new, unpermitted demolition at the property. Prior to that discovery, the staff  report requested Board approval  for the addition, with the condition that the windows  be altered only as recommended  and with delegation to staff review of revised working drawings. The staff further recommended that the Board deny the demolition of the carriage house and order its reconstruction, with staff to review such a permit and the consequent reconfiguring of the parking.


2928 Porter Street, NW, HPA #06-544, concept/rear and roof addition.
The Board voted to adopt the staff report recommending project approval in concept and directed the applicants to continue to explore design development options for the roofline, and to return to the Board for further review. Vote 11-0.

3635 Ordway Street NW, HPA #06-534, addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition with the following conditions, delegating final approval to staff was approved : (A) the first floor casement windows should be replaced with windows to match those on the second floor; (B) the stucco base for the first floor should be replaced with wood to match that proposed for the second story; (C) the garage doors should be replaced in-kind or with compatible new doors; and (D) the front entry door should be replaced with a compatible door.  Vote 9-2.

3524 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA #07-014, concept/alteration, addition.
The Board recommended that the applicants conduct further research on the development of the property and return to the Board with the results of the research, a proposal for disposition of the sign, and exploration of design alternatives for the windows and doors. No vote was taken on the application at this meeting.  



DC Index of Places of Historic Interest.
This was the initial presentation by staff for Board review. No vote was taken.



The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent items on December 21, 2006.  These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

Historic Landmarks
Saint Patrick’s Church, 10th & G Streets, NW, HPA #06-xxx, concept/courtyard addition.
The staff report recommending approval of the project in concept, with delegation of final approval to the staff was approved without comment. Additionally, the staff report recommended that the church continue working with the staff on landscaping issues in the public space at the front of the church.  The Board previously reviewed a landscape plan for this area, and approved a treatment that was intended in part as mitigation of the visual impact of a new handicap ramp.  Removal of much of the landscaping is not consistent with that approval and reduces the public green space at the front of the church.  These issues should be resolved before final approval of the plans for this project.  Vote 9-0.

Congressional Cemetery, 1801 E Street SE, HPA #07-xxx, closure of portion of G Street SE.
The staff report recommending Board approval  of the application for closing a portion of G Street SE, which would not adversely affect the historic L’Enfant Plan and the urban environment of the District of Columbia was approved without comment. Vote 9-0.

Capitol Hill Historic District

531 6th Street SE, HPA #06-442, illegal demolition, new addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the rear addition with final approval delegated to staff was approved without comment.  Vote 9-0.

713 D St SE, HPA #07-016, concept/rear and third story addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition with final approval delegated to staff was approved without comment. Vote 9-0.

210-214 South Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #06-138, concept/entrance feature.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the entry design in concept, delegating final approval to staff was approved without comment. Vote 9-0.  

Cleveland Park Historic District

3600 Macomb Street NW, HPA #06-543, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the rear addition and deck, as modified, delegating final approval to staff was approved without comment.  Vote 9-0.  

3435 34th Place NW, HPA #06-540, concept/dormers.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the additions with  the condition  that the roof of the side (north ) dormer should be hipped and clad in clay tile in order to match the existing main roof structure, delegating final approval to staff, was approved without comment. Vote 9-0.


Mount Pleasant Historic District

1663 Newton Street, NW, HPA #06-464, three-story addition, demolish carriage house, alterations.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the application overall as submitted with final approval delegated to staff was approved without comment.  Vote 9-0.

U Street Historic District

7th and T Streets, NW/Broadcast Center One, HPA #05-516, revised concept/preservation scope of work.
While further development and refinement is needed, the staff report recommending Board approval of the conceptual rehabilitation plans as consistent with the purposes of the preservation law was approved without comment.  The applicants are directed to continue to coordinate the development of construction drawings in consultation with HPO staff prior to final submission. Vote 9-0.   
