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HPRB November 16, 2006

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 16, 2006. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


NOVEMBER 16, 2006

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 16, 2006.  


Uline Arena and Ice Plant, 1132, 1140 and 1146 3rd Street, NE, Case #03-11.
Building designated. Nomination will be forwarded to the National Register for listing.  Vote 8-0.


1638 14th Street, NW #06-546, concept/new construction.
The staff report recommending that the Review Board approve the conceptual design with the recommendations for further study and that the applicant submit for preliminary review when appropriate, was approved.  Vote 8 - 0.


1225 19th Street, NW, HPA #06-195, revised concept/enclosure in public space.
The staff report was approved with the following deletion and additions: the Board did not require the 12”-24” reduction in the sidewalk café; the Board directed the applicant to restudy the entrance to eliminate the angled doorway; To restudy the engagement of the awning with the café enclosure; to see input from landscape architect in the final landscape design for the public space; and to make the roof drainage not visible. The Board noted that any signage will be approved separately. Final approval was delegated to staff. Vote 7 - 1.


241 10th Street, SE, HPA #05-481, revised concept/rear and roof addition.
The staff report recommending the Review Board approve the project in concept with the provision that the third floor addition be pulled off the original gable roof, was approved. The applicant is to return to the Board with more complete drawings before final approval is issued.  Vote 7-1.


Anne Archbold Hall, 1900 Massachusetts Avenue, SE, HPA #07-008, demolition of north wing.
The staff report was approved recommending that the Board indicate to the Mayor’s Agent that demolition of the contributing wing of the historic building is not consistent with the purposes of the Historic Protection Act.  The staff also recommended that the Board indicate that otherwise it does not object to its demolition if deemed necessary to construct a project shown to be of “special merit,” and if accomplished in a manner that allows restoration of the covered façade of the original structure. Vote 7-1.

Tregaron, 3100 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #04-370, revised concept/athletic field.
The staff report with the following recommendations was approved by the Board: (A) Approved the revised elevation, location, and design of the expanded playing field as a generally sympathetic solution for accommodating a facility of this size. (B) Approved the revised elevation, location, and design of the basketball court as a generally sympathetic solution for accommodating this type of facility on the site. (C) Determine whether the adverse impacts of the expanded playing field and basketball court would be sufficiently mitigated by the school’s long-term commitment to the property’s rehabilitation or whether the relocation of the dacha and restoration of the formal walled garden must be integrally tied to the approval of this project.  Vote 8 - 0.


3700 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #06-377, concept/raze.
The staff report recommending that the Review Board find that the house is a non-contributing structure in the Cleveland Park Historic District was approved. Vote 8-0.


447 & 451 Ridge Street, NW, HPA #06-497 and 498, concept/new construction.
The staff report recommending approval of the project in concept was approved. The applicant is to return to the Board at a later date for further review when appropriate.  Vote 8-0


1553 and 1555 9th Street, NW, HPA #06-456 and 457, revised concept/new construction.
The staff report recommending that the Board deny the concept plan as developed was approved.  The Board requested the applicant return at an appropriate date with a 2 ½ story project in “rowhouse form” for the Board’s consideration. Vote  8-0.


1900 11th Street, NW, HPA #06-73, revised concept/new construction.
The staff report was approved recommending that the Review Board approve the new construction with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: (A) The design of the recessed connection needs to be developed further in order for it to better relate to the overall design of the site; (B) The square windows on the 11th Street façade should be replaced with windows that match the proportions, and have the brick surrounds found on the other facades.   Vote 8-0.


1705 Irving Street, NW, HPA #06-482, basement entrance and steps.
The staff report recommending denial of the permit for an exterior basement entrance at front was approved by the Board.  Vote  8-0.  


720 7th Street, NW, HPA #06-439, alteration, installation of automatic teller machine.
This project was deferred at the applicant’s request - no hearing or vote.


The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following consent items on November 16, 2006.  These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

Historic Landmarks

Blaine Mansion, 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, HPA #06-542, revised concept/addition and alterations.
The staff report recommending the Board approve the revised concept proposal, as amended above, and that the project return for preliminary review by the Board at the appropriate time was approved without comment.  Vote  8-0.

Saint Patrick’s Church, 10th & G Streets, NW, HPA #06-xxx, concept, courtyard addition
This project was deferred - no hearing or vote.

Capitol Hill Historic District

210-214 South Carolina Avenue, SE (Capitol Hill Day School), HPA #06-138, revised concept/entry.
This project was deferred - no hearing or vote.

Dupont Circle Historic District

1825 19th Street, NW, HPA #06-541, concept/roof and rear additions.
The staff report was approved without comment recommending that the Review Board approve the rooftop addition and restoration / alterations of the front façade and that a revised design for the rear elevation that retains the majority of the historic fabric including the projecting bay,  delegating final approval to the staff.  Vote  8-0.  

Mount Pleasant Historic District

1865 Newton Street, NW, HPA #06-510, three-story addition and alterations.
The staff report was approved without comment recommending that the Board approve the application with the following conditions/revisions: that the rear addition be faced with a compatible brick on all three sides, or with a wood or fiber-cement siding; that the front porch be rebuilt to its original appearance; that any front basement entry be located under the porch, with access from the side of the porch and the amount of areaway and hardscape in the front yard to be minimized; that more of the building’s brick rear wall be retained; that any window and door replacements match the property’s historic door and window configurations and materials; and that approval of revised working drawings be delegated to staff. Vote 8-0    

Takoma Park Historic District

6949 Maple Street, NW, HPA #06-448, revised concept/relocation and renovation of single- family house.
6926 Willow Street, NW HPA #06-449, revised concept/reconstruction of single-family house
6924 Willow Street, NW, HPA #06-450, revised concept/relocation and renovation of single-family house.
The staff report was approved without comment recommending that the Board approve the revised concept for subdivision, relocation, and reconstruction and delegate final permit and subdivision approval to staff. Vote  8-0.

U Street Historic District

1517 S Street, NW, HPA #06-539, concept/rear alterations, partial third floor addition, front alterations.
The staff report recommending that the Review Board approve the alteration was approved without comment. Vote 8-0.


Dupont Circle Historic District

1511 17th Street, NW, HPA #06-533, awning and signs.
The Board conducted a hearing at the applicant’s request. The staff report recommending that the Board deny the building permit was approved. The applicant was instructed to consult with staff and the Board before proceeding. Vote  8-0.
