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HPRB November 15, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on  November 15, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email. 


NOVEMBER 15, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 15, 2007.  

13th and W Streets, SE, including 1242 W Street, HPA #07-433, revised concept/construction of 23 two-family dwellings and reconstruction of deteriorated contributing building.
Adopted the staff recommendation to support the concept in general, and direct further development of the proposal as suggested by the staff and Review Board. Approved by a vote of 6-3.

1006-1010 7th Street, SE, HPA#07-344, concept/construction of new five-story apartment building
The Review Board approved the proposal with the direction that the design be refined as outlined in the staff report with delegation to staff for final approval. Approved by a Board vote of 9-0.

 522 7th Street, SE, HPA #07-267, concept/construction of new two-story church.
The Review Board approved the proposal with the direction that the design be refined as outlined in the staff report with delegation to staff for final approval. Approved by a vote of 9 to 0.

3605 Norton Place, NW, HPA #08-039, concept/rear one-story addition, new garage, alterations to front yard.
The Review Board deferred the case until the December 20, 2007 meeting in order to allow neighbors time to review the proposal. No vote was taken.
2913 Dumbarton Street, NW, HPA #07-277, two-story rear addition, revised.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve in concept an addition of fourteen-foot depth as proposed, with a delegation of permit review to staff. Approved by a vote of 6 to 1.

2010 R Street, NW, HPA #08-26, banner sign.
The staff report recommended the Review Board deny the sign as inconsistent with the character of this historic property and row of houses. The Board directed the applicant to work with staff on developing signage that is compatible with the character of this building and its setting. The staff report recommendations were approved by a vote of  6 to 3.

Consideration of fiscal year 2008 District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office Work Plan.
The Board reviewed two written comments received and made several suggested additions to the Work Plan.  Revisions will be incorporated into a final document to be issued by the SHPO office the next few weeks.

HPRB site visit of Third Church of Christ, Scientist/Christian Science Monitor Building complex, 1601-1605  I Street and 900-918 16th Street, NW, Case #91-05.  
The case is continued until 9 a.m., Thursday, December 6, 2007 at 441 4th Street, NW, when additional
testimony will be heard.

NOVEMBER 15, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on November 15, 2007. All were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. All items were approved by the Review Board based upon the written record by a vote of 9 to 0.

Capitol Hill Historic District
303 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, concept/façade alterations.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alteration in concept and delegate final approval to staff.

731 8th Street, SE, HPA #07-327, revised concept/roof and rear addition.
The staff report commended the Review Board approve the project in concept and delegate final approval to staff.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3612 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #08-038, concept/rear one-story addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition and site alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act with the condition that the fence be no higher than 42”and 50% open. The report recommended delegating final approval to staff.
