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HPRB October 25 and November 1, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 25 and November 1, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


OCTOBER 25, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on October 25, 2007.

DCMR 10A Chapter 25:  Standards for Signs, Awnings, Canopies, and Marquees.
Informational presentation only; no Board action taken.

DCMR 10A Chapter 20 (part):  Special Considerations for Accessibility.
The Board adopted the proposed draft regulations, with delegation of authority to the staff for further consultation with OAG on any appropriate changes as the regulations are promulgated by the Director, Office of Planning.


102 10th Street NE, HPA #07-453, window replacement.
The staff report recommended the Review Board deny the retention of newly installed replacement windows, and require that they be replaced with two-over-two wood windows that fit the openings. Further, that the Review Board approve the replacement door, also already in place.

The Board separated the application in to two parts, the windows and the door.  The Board approved the recommendation requiring that the windows be replaced with two-over-two wood windows that fit the openings by a vote of 7-2.  The Board stated that the door was apparently installed by a previous owner, and thus the current owner could not be held responsible for it; the Board did not state a position on whether the door was an appropriate alteration or not.  

419 1st Street, SE, HPA #07-xxx, demolition and reconstruction, rear addition.
The staff report recommended approval of the demolition, reconstruction with additions, and restoration of the façade, and delegating final approval to staff.  Approved with conditions.  Vote 9-0.

1123-1129 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, HPA #07-334, concept/roof additions.
This case was withdrawn by the Applicant shortly before the meeting.

1223 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, HPA #07-426, enclose front porch, rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board deny enclosing of the front porch and require  the porch be reconstructed to its original condition. Further, the Review Board directed the applicant to restudy the proposed basement entrance so as to minimize its impact on the front yard. The recommendations were approved by a vote of 8-0.
At the request of the ANC, the Board stated that it did not have any preservation concerns related to the rear addition, but held off on approving it until such time as the proposal is presented to the ANC.

635 E Street, NE, HPA #07-312, roof addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the permit application for a roof addition set back a minimum of five feet off the rear wall and delegation of final approval to staff. Staff report adopted 4-3 with 1 abstention.

1137 C Street, NE, HPA #07-289, two-story addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition with the following conditions that the third-story mansard roof be removed from the addition; the garage be located on the rear elevation with rear alley access; and that the public space along 12th Street be retained as a green landscaped space. Approved 8 -0.   

430 and 434 1st Street and 100 North Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #06-490, recladding non-contributing buildings and restoration of a historic building.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the project in concept and address listed staff concerns, delegating final approval to staff. Approved by a vote of 8-0.


2414 Tracy Place, NW, HPA #07-458, concept/addition.
The HPRB approved the concept for a side addition contingent on the roof being raised slightly to differentiate it from the existing roof.  Approved 8-0.


Randall School, 65 I Street SW, HPA #07-129, revised concept.
The Review Board endorsed the revised concept, which would eliminate construction from the former H Street right-of-way and add an additional floor to the proposed apartment building.  The Board made additional design recommendations for consideration as the project proceeds through review by the Zoning Commission.  
Approved 9- 0.


NOVEMBER 1, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 1, 2007.  


3316 Newark Street NW, HPA #05-084, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board direct the applicant to continue to restudy the proposed addition and landscape plan for the rear yard and return to the Board for further review.  The staff report recommendations were approved by a vote of 6-0.


Third Church of Christ Scientist and Christian Science Monitor Building,
1601-1605 I Street and 900-918 16th Street, NW, Case #91-05.
Testimony was heard from several parties related to the nomination under consideration by the Historic Preservation Review Board. The record will remain open and additional testimony will be accepted at a special Hearing tentatively scheduled for  9 a.m. on Thursday, December 6, 2007.       


3519 Porter Street NW, HPA #08-002, window alterations.
The staff report recommended the Review Board direct the applicant to restudy the proposal and return to the Board for further review. The staff report was approved on a vote of 4-0 with one abstention.

OCTOBER 25, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent items on October 25, 2007.  All items were approved by the Board based upon the written record, save two (noted below) that were held for a future meeting.  Vote 9-0.
Historic Landmarks
Mayfair Mansions, Kenilworth Terrace and Jay Street, NE, HPA #07-404, concept/demolition of community center and construction of new community center.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the building in concept, and delegate approval to staff.  

Capitol Hill Historic District
1120 East Capitol Street, NE, HPA #07-408, rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition and new construction and delegate final approval to staff.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3420 34th Street, NW, HPA #07-392, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition and new construction  with conditions outlined in the report.

Logan Circle Historic District
4 Logan Circle, NW, HPA #07-328, revised concept/curb cut.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the revised plan for a wider rear porch and three parking spaces underneath.  As with the previous proposals, approval is conditioned on the development of a landscape plan that will assist in screening the parking spaces.

Mount Pleasant Historic District
1811 Kenyon Street, NW, HPA#07-397, rear addition and new garage.
This project was removed from the Consent Calendar Docket and will be heard separately on another date.

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
1220-1234 4th Street, NW, HPA #05-152, revised concept/seven new rowhouses and rear addition to historic rowhouse.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the plan in concept and delegate further review of working drawings and material selections to staff.

Shaw Historic District
1546 8th Street, NW, HPA #07-406, concept/rear addition.   
This case was removed from the docket before the meeting.

Takoma Park Historic District
504 Fern Place, NW, HPA #447, rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the addition with two recommendations delegating final approval to staff.

U Street Historic District
1430 T Street, NW, HPA #08-003, three-story rear addition on two-story house.
The staff report recommended the Review Board deny the proposal as inconsistent with the character of this house and row, and that the applicants work with staff on an alternative design for a two-story addition which respects the specific characteristics of its location.

Update:  The applicant has agreed to work with the HPO on developing a two-story addition with appropriate fenestration, and seeks conceptual design approval for such an addition in order to move forward with the project.  Staff will coordinate the review of the new plans with the Dupont Circle Conservancy.  Accordingly, the HPO recommends that the Board approve the concept for a two-story brick addition with the footprint as previously proposed and delegate final approval to staff.

1445 Swann Street, NW, #08-001, three-story rear addition on two-story house.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve in concept a three-story rear addition as not incompatible to this house and its context, contingent on the incorporation of a rear setback, differentiated architectural treatment, and elimination of the balcony on the third floor.   
Washington Heights Historic District
1840-46 Vernon Street, NW, HPA #07-457, concept/front courtyard addition, rear alterations.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the application in concept and delegate final approval to staff.

Potential Meridian Hill Historic District
2480 16th Street, NW, HPA #07-385, concept/four-story addition to Dorchester House apartments [complementary review for property in proposed historic district conducted at request of applicant].
As the project continues to be developed, the staff report recommended three areas for continuing study. Further, that the Review Board approve the concept design, with recommendations, as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, and delegate final approval to the staff.