The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on September 27 and October 4, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2007
The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on September 27, 2007.
465-471 New York Avenue, NW, HPA #07-410, concept/demolition, relocation, alteration, and new construction.
The HPRB determined that the building at 471 New York Avenue, NW no longer contributes to the Mount Vernon Square Historic District due to a lack of structural integrity, therefore allowing it to be demolished (vote: 8-1); approved the relocation of 465 New York Avenue, NW to the western edge of the site within the context of this project in order to improve its historic setting and facilitate its renovation (9-0); and approved the subdivision of the lots into a single lot, and the general height, massing, and design of the concept for the new construction, with the understanding that the top floors of the building will continue to be restudied (9-0). The applicants were directed to return for additional conceptual or preliminary review when appropriate.
1006-10 7th Street, SE, HPA #07-344, concept/new construction.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board direct the applicant to refine the design and return to the Board for further review when appropriate. Vote 9-0.
11:25 – 12:00 noon 1823 Newton Street NW, HPA #07-394, concept/rear addition.
At the Request of the ANC, this case was deferred until the October hearing.
3420 34th Street NW, HPA #07-399, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board direct the applicant to refine the design and return to the Board for further review when appropriate. Vote 9-0.
13th & W Streets SE, including 1242 W Street SE, HPA #07-xxx, concept/rehabilitation, new construction.
The Board requested further design development and supported the overall subdivision and creation of an alley. The Board expressed concern about the heights of buildings on the alley and asked that they be subordinate to the existing buildings on the surrounding streets. The Board recommended that the alley
access be increased and that the applicant continue to work with the ANC. Vote 7-1.
2100 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA #07-417, alterations.
The HPRB approved the canopy restoration and directed the applicant to continue working with the HPO on better documenting that the deterioration of the glass block requires replacement, or to further investigate options for repair or in-kind replacement. HPO report adopted, 8-0.
1601 15th Street, NW, HPA #07-399, concept/addition and curb cut.
The HPRB approved the conceptual plan for a one-story side porch and denied the proposed curb cut, driveway through public space, and parking pad as incompatible with the character of the 14th Street Historic District. Vote: 7-0.
4 Logan Circle, NW, HPA #07-328, revised concept/curb cut and parking.
The HPRB asked the applicant to correct deficiencies in the plans and return when appropriate; no vote taken.
2913 Dumbarton Street, NW, HPA #07-277, two-story rear addition.
The Board recommended some reduction in the depth of the proposed addition and continued discussion with the neighbors and ANC. Vote 8-0.
Jesse Baltimore House, 5136 Sherier Place, NW, Case #04-09.
The Board denied the designation of the Jesse Baltimore House, 5136 Sherrier Place, NW as a landmark to be entered in the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites and did not recommend that a nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote 6-3.
Jesse Baltimore House, 5136 Sherier Place, NW, HPA #07-129, raze.
Because the property was not delegated, the Review board did not consider the raze permit application.
No vote was taken.
OCTOBER 4, 2007
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 4, 2007, as a continuation of its meeting on September 27, 2007.
3420 34th Street NW, HPA #07-399, concept/rear addition.
This case was moved to the September 27 agenda.
2924 Newark Street NW, HPA #07-409, concept/alterations to front yard.
The Board approved the proposed alterations to the existing front yard with the following conditions; the concrete coping curb is to be retained; the grade of the front yard is to be partially preserved; the applicant is to work with staff on the proposed materials to be used. Vote - 5-1
3610 Quebec Street NW, HPA #07-407, concept/rear addition.
The Board split the application in two parts; the proposed retaining wall, and the proposed fence. The Board approved the stucco retaining wall in the front yard; Vote – 6-0
The Board approved a fence in the side yard with the following conditions; the fence should be either of wrought iron or wood, should be between 36”-42” in height, and should have 4” pickets; Vote – 5-0.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2007
The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on September 27, 2007.
All items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0.
Foxhall Village Historic District
4438 Volta Place, NW, HPA#07-391, concept / rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition and alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
Capitol Hill Historic District
320 South Carolina Avenue SE, HPA #07-324, roof addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the roof addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
111 2nd Street, NE, HPA #07-270, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.
401 C Street, NE, HPA #07-393, concept/alterations to storefronts and windows.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
521 8th Street, SE, HPA #07-401, concept, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Board approve the concept of a two-story rear addition with the condition that the addition and related roof equipment not be visible from 8th Street and delegate final approval to staff.
319 11th Street, SE, HPA #07-406, roof and rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes
of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
Cleveland Park Historic District
3307 Newark Street, NW, HPA #07-402, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.
3401 Woodley Road, NW, HPA #07-407, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.
Sixteenth Street Historic District
Hay-Adams Hotel, 800 16th Street, NW, HPA #07-237, revised concept/roof additions.
The staff report recommended that the Board approve the concept of a one-story addition and roof deck with the condition that the design return to the Board for preliminary or permit review once the design is more developed.
Takoma Park Historic District
602 Butternut Street, NW, HPA #07-322, rear addition.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
U Street Historic District
1821 15th Street, NW, HPA #07-134, revised concept/new construction of four-unit apartment building.
The staff report recommended that Review Board approve the revised concept plan and delegate final approval contingent on the applicant continuing to coordinate with the HPO on the design development.
2201 14th Street, NW, HPA #07-268, revised concept/new construction for apartment building and Bowen
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act. The applicants should continue to coordinate development of the design of the new construction and restoration scope of the existing buildings with the HPO, and should file the project for preliminary review when appropriate, prior to the submission of final plans.
1809 13th Street, NW, HPA #06-041, concept/renovation and addition of partial third floor.
The staff report recommended that the Review Board approve the project in concept, with a reduction of the parapet wall, as compatible with the character of the building and historic district and delegate final approval to staff.