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HPRB June 28, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on June 28, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email. 


JUNE 28, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on June 28, 2007.  

Martin Luther King Memorial Library, 901 G Street, NW, Case #06-01.   
The staff report was approved indicating the Martin Luther King Memorial Library qualifies for listing in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites as a historic landmark with specific designation of a portion of the interior.  The interior designation encompass the public spaces of the first floor, an area clearly representative of Mies’ design principles for the building’s interior space.  Vote  8-0.

Tregaron, 3100 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #07-173, revised concept/construction of two houses.
The HPRB asked the architect to investigate further reductions in the height of House 1 through reductions in floor heights and redesign of the dormer; otherwise, revised conceptual design approved.  Vote 8-0.

O Street Market, 1400 7th Street NW, HPA #07-103, concept/adjacent new construction.
Board approved revisions to concept which reduced portions of 110’ towers roof to 90’, lowered 9th Street bays to six stories, included retail pavilions on 8th Street, lowered cube adjacent to historic market to 80’ and redesigned building behind Market.  No formal action taken.

1909-1913 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE, HPA #06-xxx, revised concept/demolition and façade stabilization.
The Board approved the proper shoring of the facades and the subsequent demolition of the party walls, and the remaining framing and the removal of debris.  The applicant and its assigns are required to retain, record, maintain and keep secure the facades. Further, the owner will appropriately rehabilitate them within the context of a new project subject to further Board review and discuss further with the Board the condition of its other properties located within historic districts.  Finally, the project is delegated to staff for permit review of the demolition and shoring.  Vote  8-0.

814 L Street SE, HPA #06-162, raze one-story frame building.
The HPRB adopted the staff report with one revision to the third recommendation changing the word require to request. Vote 8-0.

Eastern Market, 225 7th Street, SE, HPA #06-179, concept/reconstruction and renovations.
The HPRB approved the renovations as proposed with the exception of adding interior vestibules and delegated final approval to staff was approved. Vote 8-0.

522 7th Street SE, HPA #07-267, concept/new construction.
 This case was deferred to the July 26 Hearing.

2201 – 2211 14th Street NW, HPA #07-268, concept/alteration, new construction.
The HPRB approved revised massing that reorganized one-story YMCA entrance two bays to the west and reduced seven story height of new tower immediately behind three historic buildings by two floors.  Vote 8-0.  

1821 15th Street NW, HPA #07-134, concept/new four-unit apartment building.
The HPRB found the proposal to be incompatible with the character of its site; an alternative option that was more closely based on the historic context and former building on the site was found generally compatible and worthy of further exploration, as long as massing and footprint were respectful of the adjacent row.  Vote 7-1.

1855 Lamont Street NW, HPA #06-105, revised concept/three-story rear addition.
This case was not reviewed at request of applicant.

Hay-Adams Hotel, 800 16th Street NW, HPA #07-237, concept/roof addition.
The staff report recommending the Board support the concept of a one-story addition that is set back from the existing elevations was approved.  Vote 7-0.


Williams-Addison House, 1645 31st Street NW, HPA #07-267, subdivision for new construction.
The staff report recommending the Board deny the subdivision as proposed and refer the application to the Mayor’s Agent was approved.  Vote 6-0.      

JUNE 28, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on June 28, 2007.  All items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion passed by a vote of 8-0.

Cavalier Apartment Building, 3500 14th Street, NW, Case #07-35.
The staff report recommending the Board designate the Cavalier Apartment Building as a District of Columbia landmark and forward the nomination to the National Register of the Historic Places passed without comment.

Historic Landmarks
Arena Stage, 1101 6th Street NW, HPA #07-224, revised concept.
The staff report recommending the Board find the revisions consistent with the design concept and delegate further review to the staff passed without comment.

Tregaron, 3100 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #07-173, revised concept/construction of two houses.
This case was moved to the regular Agenda.
Capitol Hill Historic District
816 East Capitol Street NE, HPA# 07-222, concept/rear third floor addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the project in concept delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

1117 East Capitol St SE, HPA #07-150, rear addition, basement excavation, roof deck.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition as proposed delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

Eastern Market, 225 7th Street, SE, HPA #06-179, concept/reconstruction and renovations.
This case was moved to the Regular Agenda

111 2nd Street NE, HPA #07-270, two-story rear addition.
This case was removed from the Consent Calendar for a hearing at a later date.

121 6th Street NE, HPA #07-271, rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the project in concept delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3429 Ordway Street NW, HPA #07-229, revised concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition as proposed delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

3202 Rowland Place, NW, HPA #07-265, alterations to side façade.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act passed without comment.

3315 Rowland Place, NW, HPA #07-273, addition/alterations to rear façade.
The staff report recommending Board approval of proposed alterations to the rear façade including an elevator shaft no higher than the second floor not to impact the existing roof line delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.  

Fourteenth Street and Logan Circle Historic Districts
1330 13th Street, NW, HPA #07-264, concept/roof addition.
The staff report recommending approval of the addition along with further study and refinement  delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

Mount Pleasant Historic District
1620 Newton Street, NW, HPA #07-285, revised concept/subdivision and new construction of row house.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the new construction with conditions delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

Sheridan Kalorama Historic District
2438 Belmont Road, NW, HPA #07-190, alterations, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommending HPRB approval of the concept design for a two-story addition was approved without comment.

Takoma Park Historic District
606 Aspen Street NW, HPA #07-166, alteration/rear addition, screen porch and deck
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition as designed delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.

U Street Historic District
1513 T Street, NW, HPA #07-274, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the concept proposal delegating final approval to staff passed without comment.  


The following item is proposed for denial by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

Downtown Historic District
627 I Street, NW, HPA #06-530, raze.
The staff report recommending the Board find the demolition of 627 I Street not consistent with the purposes of the preservation law passed without comment.  
