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HPRB May 24, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on May 24, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


MAY 24, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on May 24, 2007 at 441 4th Street, NW (#1 Judiciary Square) in Room 220 South..  

2324 18th Street NW, HPA #06-493, concept/demolition, alteration, additions.
The HPRB adopted the staff report with additional comments.  Vote 5-2.

Tregaron, 3100 Macomb Street NW, HPA #07-173, concept/new houses.
The HPRB  approved the site plan for building location, footprint, and driveways, with minor modifications to reduce extraneous paving.  Concept designs for two individual houses approved, with requirement that they be lowered in height and third floors reduced in volume to bring houses in line with existing houses in historic district.  Project to return for final review when ready. Vote 7-0.

3429 Ordway Street NW, HPA #07-229, concept/rear addition.
The HPRB adopted the staff report and requested that the case return to the Board for further review.  Vote  7-0.

O Street Market, 1400 7th Street NW, HPA #07-103, concept/adjacent new construction.
The HPRB approved the overall site plan and general architectural direction of the project, with suggestions made for lowering 110’ height on P Street to lessen impact on adjacent 2-3 story buildings, and further modulation of height and mass.  Applicants directed to continue developing the proposal and return to the Board for further review when appropriate. Vote 7-0.

Takoma Theater, 6829-37 4th Street NW, HPA #07-111, raze.
The HPRB adopted the staff report, reaffirm the contributing status of the Takoma Theater to the Takoma Park Historic District and denying the request to raze the theater.  Vote 5-0.

1712 14th Street NW, HPA #07-169, five-story rear addition.
The staff report recommending the Review Board approve the alterations and addition with four conditions outlined in the report was approved. Final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote 6-0.


1101 D Street NE, HPA #07-232, fence in public space.
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of the installation of the 42” high fence around the perimeter of the site was approved. The Review Board disapproved the proposed location of an existing 6’ high picket fence in Public Space requiring that the fence be relocated to be in line with the projecting bay. Final approval was delegated to staff.  Vote  5-1.

2218 Chester Street SE, HPA #07-230, alterations.
The staff report recommending after-the-fact approval of the project with the stated conditions, plus a condition that the porch be appropriately restored, was approved by the Review Board. Vote 6-0.  

600 Massachusetts Avenue NW, HPA #06-289, revised concept/special merit amenities related to the Chinese Community Church at 500 I Street NW.
The HPRB adopted the staff report recommending support of the proposal to restore the brick facades of the Chinese Community Church and recommending to the Mayor’s Agent that the restoration project would constitute a substantial historic preservation benefit to the Downtown Historic District.  Further review of façade restoration work was delegated to staff. Vote  6-0.

2028 Hillyer Place NW, roof enclosure, request for review of issued permit.  
This was an informational only presentation regarding a staff approved permit.


MAY 24, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on May 24, 2007.  These items were approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

Multiple-property thematic document for Garden Club of America Markers in Washington, D.C.,  Case #07-26
Garden Club of America Boundary Markers at Westmoreland Circle (Reservation 559), Case  #07-27
Garden Club of America Boundary Markers at Chevy Chase Circle (Reservation 335A), Case  #07-28
Garden Club of America Boundary Marker at Georgia Avenue, Georgia Avenue, NW right-of- way north of intersection with Kalmia Road and Alaska Avenue, Case #07-29
Garden Club of America Entry Markers at Friendship Heights, Wisconsin Avenue, NW right-of-  way on north side of intersection with Western Avenue, Case #07-30
The staff report regarding The National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Listing: Garden Club of America Entrance Markers in Washington, D.C., was  approved by the Historic Preservation Review Board directing staff to  forward the Multiple Property Listing to the National Register of Historic Places.  In addition, the staff recommendations the Review Board approve the designation of the three pairs of surviving entrance markers at 1) Westmoreland Circle, 2) Wisconsin and Western Avenues, 3) Chevy Chase Circle, and the single marker at Georgia Avenue at Kalmia Street to the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and that the nominations be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places for listing in the National Register as also approved without comment. Vote 7-0.   

Historic Landmark
Glen Hurst, 4933 MacArthur Boulevard, NW, HPA #07-217, pool house.
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of the permit application as submitted was approved without comment.  Vote 7-0.
Capitol Hill Historic District
326 D Street SE, HPA #06-487, revised concept/rear addition
The staff report recommending Board approval of the project and delegating final approval to staff was approved without comment.  Vote  7-0.  

644 Lexington Place NE, HPA #07-227, raise roof, enclose rear porches
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of a roof addition, rear porch enclosure, and façade restoration delegating final approval to staff was approved without comment.  Vote 7-0.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3516 Lowell Street, NW HPA #07-180, revised concept/rear and side addition
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of a garage and addition and delegate final approval to staff was approved without comment. Vote 7-0.

Georgetown Historic District
1025 31st Street, NW, HPA #07-196, concept/one-story rear addition
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of an addition as proposed, with review of the working drawings delegated to staff was approved without comment. Vote 7-0.

Mount Pleasant Historic District
3360 16th Street, NW, HPA #07-170, concept/extend driveway
The staff recommends that the Board approve the proposed driveway extension with the condition that the applicant must provide and implement a landscape plan, prepared by a landscape architect, that includes hedges that screen the driveways was approved without comment.  Vote 7-0.

3120 19th Street, NW, HPA #07-223, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of the application as submitted was approved without comment.  Vote 7-0.

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
436 Ridge Street, NW, HPA #07-241, raze.
The staff report noted extensive deterioration of the rowhouse’s balloon frame structure resulting from long-term termite and moisture damage. The applicant made a lengthy and sincere effort to preserve and restore the only original and historic components remaining.  Taken together, replacement wood windows, door and siding represents a significant improvement over the existing, non-compatible exterior materials. The staff report recommending Review Board approval of a raze permit for all but the front façade of the structure was approved without comment. Vote7-0.  
