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HPRB April 26, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on April 26, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


APRIL 26, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on April 26, 2007.  

Danzansky Funeral Home, 3501-03 14th Street, NW, Case #05-04.
The nomination was approved and will be forwarded to the National Register for listing.  Vote 8-0.

Danzansky Funeral Home, 3401-03 14th Street, NW, HPA #07-xxx, canopy and basement entrance.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the concept proposal delegating final approval to staff passed.  Vote 8-0.

Randall Junior High School, 65 I Street SW, HPA #07-129, revised concept/demolition, additions, new construction.
The staff report passed recommending the Board forward the project to the Mayor’s Agent for consideration in conjunction with the requested demolition permits because  (A)The scope of work constitutes substantial demolition of the landmark building which is not consistent with the purposes of the preservation law; (B) Adaptive rehabilitation of the three main blocks of the school is a substantial preservation benefit; And, (C) the revised concept plans are compatible with the school and other affected historic landmarks in the immediate vicinity. Finally, the Board recommended that the applicant continue consultation with the staff and return to the Board for further review of refinements at a future date. Vote 7-0.

3047 N Street NW, HPA #07-135, alteration, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the project as presented passed. Vote 7-0.

214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, HPA #07-101, concept/new façade.
The staff report recommending the Board direct the applicant to refine the design and return to the Board for further review was approved.  Vote 8-0.

1011 L Street NW, HPA #06-383, concept, four-story addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval to proposed alterations and additions to the buildings at 1007-1015 L Street with conditions outlined in the report, and delegating final approval to staff passed.  Vote 8-0.

1251-53 4th Street NW, HPA #07-179, alterations, rear addition and parking.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the proposed alteration delegating final approval to staff passed. Vote 8-0.

3516 Lowell Street NW, HPA #07-180, concept/alteration, rear addition, garage.
The staff report recommending the Board deny the proposed garage as designed and direct the applicants to restudy the design of the proposed addition returning to the Board at a future date passed.  Vote 8-0.

3500 Newark Street NW, HPA #07-144, alteration/one-story side addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the proposed alterations to two side porches delegating final approval to staff was approved with the west porch limited to the existing footprint and setbacks. Vote 5-2.

In a separate vote of 6-1, the Board approved the breakfast nook addition.

C&P Telephone Company Warehouse, 1111 North Capitol Street NE, HPA #06-280, revised concept/demolition, additions, new construction.

The Board referred the proposed demolition to the Mayor’s Agent as required for projects involving demolition.  The Board encouraged further development of the proposed “special merit” aspects of the project in consultation with the Office of Planning.  Vote 6-1-1.

APRIL 26, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on April 26, 2007.  These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

United States Department of Agriculture South Building, Case #07-19, 1351 C Street (aka 300-400 14th Street), SW.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Building, Case #07-20,     101 Indiana Avenue (aka 300 and 320 1st Street), NW.
United States Public Health Service Building, Case #07-21, 1951 (aka 1901 and 1925) Constitution Avenue, NW.
U.S. Courthouse of the District of Columbia (E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse), Case #07-22, 333 Constitution Avenue, NW.
United States Government Central Heating Plant, Case #07-23, 325 (aka 301) 13th Street, SW
Social Security Administration Building (Wilbur Cohen Building), Case #07-24, 330 Independence Avenue, SW

United States Railroad Retirement Board Building (Mary Switzer Building), Case #07-25, 330 (aka 350) C Street, SW.

The staff report recommending approval of these nominations and that they be forwarded to the National Register of the Historic Places with a recommendation for listing passed. In the case of the U.S. Government Central Heating Plant, already a District of Columbia landmark, that it also be forwarded to the National Register for listing at a level of state significance.  The vote, without comment, was 8-0.  
Capitol Hill Historic District
211 5th Street NE, HPA #07-172, rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the addition delegating final approval to staff passed without comment. Vote 8-0.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3524 Connecticut Avenue NW (Yenching Palace), HPA #07-014, alteration.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the rear and rooftop addition and the façade restoration delegating final approval to staff passed without comment. Vote  7-0-1.

Downtown Historic District
1001 F Street, NW, HPA #07-130, revised concept, alterations/rooftop sign.
The staff report recommending approval of revised plans delegating final approval to the staff passed with the following notation: Because this project represents an exception to the Board’s normal guidelines for signage, the staff recommended the Board restate its earlier comments on the conditions that warrant the exception in this specific case.  These conditions include the clear photographic documentation of the historic signage, the unusual streetscape condition of a small historic building wedged into the corner of a taller and larger historic structure that serves as a backdrop, the high quality of the revised design, and the nature of the advertisement for a major tourist attraction.  The approval is conditioned on the applicant’s agreement to remove the signage if and when Madame Tussaud’s vacates the premises.  Vote   8-0.

Dupont Circle Historic District
1754 Church Street, NW, HPA #07-174, alteration/two-story rear deck.
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of the building permit with removal of wood lattice and installation of a compatible second floor door passed without comment. Vote  8-0.

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
450 N Street, NW, HPA #07-168, concept/substantial demolition, two-story rear addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of concept plans for a proposed restoration, partial demolition and rear addition passed without comment. Vote 8-0.

Takoma Park Historic District
6813 5th Street NW, HPA #07-164, concept/rear addition.
The staff report recommending Review Board approval of an addition with final approval delegated to staff passed without comment. Vote 8-0.
