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HPRB January 18, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on January 18, 2007. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


JANUARY 18, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on January 18, 2007.  


Fourteenth Street Historic District amendment, boundary extension, Case #07-02.
Historic District boundaries increased as proposed. Nomination will be forwarded to the National Register for listing.  Vote 6-0.

Sixteenth Street Historic District amendment, boundary extension, Case #00-04.
Historic District boundaries increased as proposed. Nomination will be forwarded to the National Register for listing.  Vote 6-0.


7th and T Streets NW (Broadcast Center One), #05-516, revised concept/new construction.
The staff report recommending that the Board approve the revised design – the height, mass, location of the projecting bays, and general architectural treatment and sufficiently developed for filing for review by the Zoning Commission was approved. The applicants are directed to continue to coordinate with the HPO as the building continues through design development. Vote  6-0.  


Ulysses Grant School (School Without Walls), 2130 G Street NW, HPA #06-236, revised     concept/ addition.
The staff report recommending Board approval of the project in concept with the conditions that the façade projection continue to and include the first-floor façade and that the masonry walls be of brick to generally match the feeling of the school’s masonry was approved with the following amendment: The applicant is directed to include vertical elements from Option A of the report and eliminate masonry board at the top of the structure.  Vote 5-1.



447 and 451 Ridge Street NW, HPA #06-497 & 498, revised concept/new construction.
The staff recommended that the Review Board approve the progress made to date on the conceptual design for 451 Ridge, but that 447 Ridge be developed more along the lines of the successful resolution of 451. Both buildings should continue to be further studied to provide greater transition to the gap formed by the inset house between them. The report was approved. Vote 6-0.



Proposed D.C. Historic Preservation Plan (2007-2011).
The informational presentation required no vote. The Board provided comments to the consultant preparing the plan on additional issues that should be considered for inclusion in the draft plan. The final draft will return to HPRB for comment in the coming months.


6811, 6825, 6829, and 6833 Piney Branch Road NW and 635 Aspen Street, NW,     HPA #07-066, revised permit for window replacement.
The staff report recommended that the Board approve the existing windows as installed on the Education Building in the context of the settlement agreement and direct the staff to take no enforcement action on the Education Building windows. An amendment listing the particular  windows to be retained on the other listed properties was approved as part of the final vote.  Vote 6-0.

JANUARY 18, 2007

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent item on January 18, 2007.  This item was proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion.

Capitol Hill Historic District
654 Independence Avenue SE, HPA #07-066, new rear carriage house.
The staff report recommending that the Review Board approve the project and delegate final approval to staff was approved without comment. Vote 6-0.  