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HPRB December 18, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on December 18, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


DECEMBER 18, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on December 18, 2008. resent were:  Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor and John Vlach.  

1800 14th Street NW, HPA 08-459, concept/seven-story residential and retail addition.
The HPRB adopted the HPO report, directing the applicant to restudy the proposal with regard to the design of the façade and the location of the garage entrance, to incorporate on-site interpretative information on the historic role of the Whitman-Walker clinic, and return to the Board when appropriate. Vote: 6 – 2. For:  Boasberg, Buell, Sonderman, Kane, Taylor, Vlach.  Against:  Cassarella, Aurbach.  Bacon recused.

1512 8th Street NW, HPA #09-039, concept/third floor addition and rear addition.
The HPRB adopted the HPO report to deny the application for a three story plus basement level rear and roof top addition. The applicant was directed to redesign the rear addition to ensure that it is not visible from the public street and follows the historic roof line; and return to the Board review when ready. Vote: 9-0.

321 6th Street, SE, HPA #09-046, concept/rear addition.
The HPO recommends that the Board direct the applicant to restudy the proposal as outlined above, returning to the Board with revised concept plans when ready. Staff report approved, 8-1 For: Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor and John Vlach. Against: James Kane.  

(Note: Board Member James Kane departed, leaving eight board members present for the remainder of the hearing.)

Howard Theater, 620 T Street NW, HPA #09-006, concept/renovation, addition.
HPRB approved the project for rehabilitation and a contemporary rear addition, and delegated final construction approval to the staff.  Vote: 8-0.  

1859 3rd Street NW, HPA #09-078, subdivision.
The Board did not recommend approval of the subdivision but encouraged the applicant to return with a revised proposal.  Vote: 8-0.

Williams-Addison House, 1645 31st Street, NW, HPA #09-034, subdivision.
The Board did not recommend approval of the subdivision, finding that the applicant had not shown it to be compatible with the landmark in that the proposal did not sufficiently retain, enhance or encourage restoration of the landmark and that the subdivision would be contrary to The Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital’s direction to retain landscaped yards, gardens, estate grounds, and other significant areas of green space associated with historic landmarks whenever possible.  Vote: 8-0.

Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA #08-309, revised concept.
The Board approved modifications of the approved concept plans, and delegated final approval of project plans to the staff. Design development plans for reconfiguration of the Florida Avenue wall/berm and other landscape elements will be submitted for further review when prepared. Vote: 6-1. For: Andrew Aurbach, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, Robert Sonderman, and John Vlach; Against: Joseph Taylor: Recused: Elinor Bacon.   

DECEMBER 18, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on December 18, 2008.  The items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 9-0 with the exception of 927 R Street, NW. A separate vote for that case is recorded below.

Cleveland Park Historic District
2922 Newark Street, NW, HPA #09-500, concept/alteration and new front porch.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the addition and alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: (A) The first floor windows on the front elevation should be retained; and (B) The replacement chimney should be of brick and match the profile of the existing one.  

Mount Vernon Square Historic District
1133 6th Street, NW, HPA #09-082, concept/fourth floor addition on a three-story rowhouse.
The staff recommended that the Board approve the rooftop addition and other alterations in concept, and delegate final approval to staff, on the condition that the addition, when built, will not be visible from 6th Street. The staff also recommended that the applicant be required to conduct a final flag test at the beginning of construction to assure the addition not be visible from 6th Street.

Shaw and Blagden Alley Historic Districts
1534 8th Street, NW, HPA #09-073, rear addition.
HPO recommended that the Board approve the proposed rear addition and delegate final approval to staff.

Sixteenth Street Historic District
2028 16th Street, NW, HPA #09-004, roof addition and front yard alteration.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approval, in whole, of the proposed front yard restoration and roof top addition and deck replacements as consistent with the purpose of the Preservation Act , and delegate final review and approval of details and finishes to the staff.

U Street Historic District
927 R Street, NW, HPA #09-083, new accessibility lift in public space.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the proposed alterations to the front yard, fence and entry stair as noted in the staff report to accommodate the proposed accessibility components, and delegate to staff final review and approval of the details.  This case was approved without comment by a vote of 8-0. Recused: Elinor Bacon.
