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HPRB November 20, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 20, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


NOVEMBER 20, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on November 20, 2008.  Note: Prior to the public hearing, the Board conducted a site visit before convening at West Potomac Park. Present were:  Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, James Kane, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor and John Vlach. Absent: Maria Casarella.

Public Comment on Applications to Designate Historic Landmarks and Districts.
The staff report was viewed positively by board members. The HPO staff will submit the proposed rules to the Board for review in advance of publication in the D.C. Register for public comment.  After publication in the Register, the staff will schedule a hearing for the Board to receive public comment on the proposed rules.

2013 H Street, NW, HPA #08-362, revised concept/alteration and addition of seven-story addition.
The Board adopted the staff report, noting that the property is not currently subject to review under the preservation law, and as such the Board’s role is an advisory one. Approved, 7-1; For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Bacon, Sonderman, Taylor, Vlach; Against: Kane.
933 L Street, NW, HPA #08-119, alterations and roof addition.
The Board adopted the staff report reaffirming the action taken at the March 27, 2008 meeting: (A) The setback of the one-story addition, mechanical penthouse, and glass guard rail should all adhere to a 1:1 ratio of setback to height, in order to minimize the visibility and visual impact on the massing of the building; (B) The setback of the addition from the side (east) elevation should be 4’on the front portion of the building; (C)The metal coping that has been added to the cornice on the front elevation should be removed; and added the following conditions;  no certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the building until the work is in compliance with that which has been approved by the Board; the applicant shall return to the Board for final approval at which time accurate drawings shall be provided as well as a complete history of any Stop Work Order (SWO) for the site. Approved, 8-0.

1770 Euclid Street, NW [pending landmark], HPA #08-319, revised concept/addition to First Church of Christ,
The HPO recommended that the Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act and request the applicants return for final approval.  Approved, 8-0.

Williams-Addison House, 1645 31st Street, NW, HPA #09-034, subdivision.
The HPRB's consideration of the proposed subdivision of the Williams-Addison House has been postponed at the request of the applicant until the December 1 8, 2008 hearing.

(Note: Board Member James Kane departed, leaving seven board members present for the remainder of the hearing.)

West Potomac Park Levee, 17th Street Closure (National Park Service).
 The staff report noted construction of the 17th Street levee closure will involve a significant but essential alteration to a landscape of prime historic and symbolic importance.  NPS should continue to address these effects in consultation with the SHPO and other consulting parties, first seeking ways to avoid adverse effects, and when unavoidable, to minimize or mitigate them. By avoiding the more consequential adverse effects on the landscape, views, and entry sequence of a levee placement at Constitution Avenue, while preserving the large sycamore tree, Alternative 5 offers the better opportunity to design a levee closure that will fit sensitively within its historic environment. Further, it was the Board’s strong opinion that on the Washington Monument (east) side of 17th Street every effort should be made to solve the problem with berms and earth, using structures only where essential to store the structures needed to protect 17th Street. The staff report conclusions with additional comments listed above were approved, 5-1. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Vlach. Against: Taylor. Recused: Sonderman.

3211 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, HPA #08-156, concept/relocation to 3118 Quebec Place, NW and subdivision and create a new lot at 3118 Quebec Place This case has been deferred at the request of the applicant until the December 18, 2008 hearing.


NOVEMBER 20, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent items on November 20, 2008.  These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 8-0.   

Capitol Hill Historic District
423 New Jersey Avenue, SE, HPA #09-035, concept/two-story rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the project as consistent with the Act and delegate final approval to staff.  

Cleveland Park Historic District
3412 30th Street, NW, HPA #09-033, one-story rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

3127 Newark Street, NW, HPA #09-040, concept/alteration and side yard screen porch.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the addition and alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.  

Shaw and Blagden Alley Historic Districts
1211 10th Street, NW, HPA #09-041, concept/renovation, addition.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the conceptual design and delegate final review to staff.

Mount Pleasant Historic District
3126 19th Street, NW, HPA #09-032, two-story rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

Woodley Park Historic District
2718 Woodley Place, NW, HPA #09-xxx, alteration/two-story rear addition.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the addition as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
