The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 23, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
OCTOBER 23, 2008
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 23, 2008. Present were: Andrew Aurbach, Elinor Bacon, Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor. Absent: John Vlach.
John Philip Sousa Middle School, 3650 Ely Place SE, Case #08-19.
After careful consideration, the staff recommends that the Board designate John Philip Sousa Junior High School (now a middle school), 3650 Ely Place, SE, a landmark to be entered in the D.C Inventory of Historic Sites. Approved 8 -0. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor.
Convent of Bon Secours, 4101 Yuma Street, NW, HPA #08-366, revised concept/additions. The HPO recommended the Board approve the project in concept with the condition that the project return as a preliminary application once more developed. Approved, 8-0. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor. (Note: this case was moved from the Consent Calendar to a full hearing.)
Barker Lumber Warehouse (Bread for the City), 1525 7th Street NW, HPA 08-449, concept/side addition.
With minor suggestions regarding design development refinements, the Review Board approved the project and delegated final approval to staff. Approved 8-0. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor.
Washington Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #08-309, revised concept/alteration and new construction of eleven-story apartment addition.
The Board approved the project in concept with a minor adjustment to the west end of the apartment block.
The applicant was advised to submit design development plans, including developed façades and more detailed designs for the landscape and site features, for preliminary review by the staff before submitting final plans. Approved, 6-0. For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Sonderman, Taylor. Recused: Bacon, Kane.
(Note: Board Member Elinor Bacon departed, leaving seven board members present for the remainder of the hearing.)
Foxhall Village Historic District draft design guidelines.
The Board stated its support for the continuing development of the design guidelines, and recommended that the guidelines include a section addressing alterations related to the installation of solar panels, as well as clarification of what type of garden sculptures could be installed without review. The staff stated that the guidelines would continue to be refined with community input, and would return for adoption by the Board at a future meeting. With regard to the Anacostia guidelines still in development, the Board signaled that it would be amenable to the guidelines giving somewhat greater flexibility for certain type of work to encourage rehabilitation of deteriorated properties. No formal vote was taken.
1400-1418 U Street NW, HPA 08-033, revised concept/new construction.
The Review Board approved the alternative concept that results in a 90’ (as opposed to 100’) building on the northern portion of the site and that the penthouses be restricted in size to house mechanical equipment and the apartment amenity space only. Approved: 6-0. For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor. Recused: Casarella.
145 Tennessee Avenue NE, HPA 08-461, rooftop addition.
Because achieving invisibility from the front is not possible and because of the close relationship of properties at the rear, this is an incompatible alteration (work commencing without a permit) that would modify character-defining features of the property and adversely impact neighboring buildings. The staff recommended that the Board deny the project as it is inconsistent with the purposes of the preservation law and that the applicants be advised to return the roof to its original height and profile. Approved staff report, 7-0: For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor.
1903 3rd Street NW, HPA 08-504, concept/rear addition, areaway, alterations.
The staff recommended the Board approve the project in concept with the condition that the areaway be further reduced and the addition’s gable be revised, and with a delegation to staff of further review. Approved, 7-0. For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor.
1665 Harvard Street NW, HPA 08-430, construction of two-car garage in rear yard.
The Board adopted the staff report, that recommended that the Review Board approve the new garage construction as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff. Approved, 6-1. For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Sonderman, Taylor. Opposed: Kane.
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1700 New York Avenue NW, HPA #08-463, concept/construction of seven-story office building addition.
The HPO recommended the Board support some redesign of the project to distinguish it more from the landmark building. Approved, 7-0. For: Aurbach, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Sonderman, Taylor.
OCTOBER 23, 2008
The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on October 23, 2008. These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion. The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 8 -0 for all cases except 1795 Bull Street, NW. That vote is reported below. The case for the Convent of Bon Secours, originally listed on the Consent Calendar, was moved to the regular agenda.
Capitol Hill Historic District
531 7th Street, NE, HPA #08-501, concept/subdivision, rear addition, and side porch.
The HPO recommended the Board approve the subdivision, addition, and alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
Cleveland Park Historic District
2948 Macomb Street, NW, HPA #08-509, concept/alterations to front yard and porch.
The HPO recommended the Board approve the proposed alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
Downtown Historic District
500 I Street, NW, HPA # 09-003, new steeple on historic church.
The HPO recommended the Review Board approve the proposed tower design as consistent with the purpose of the Preservation Act, and delegate final review and approval of details and finishes for the tower and related historical fabric to staff.
Shaw Historic District
8th and P Streets, NW, HPA #08-444, new construction/seven three-story rowhouses.
The HPO recommended that the Review Board approve the revised concept and delegate final construction plan approval to staff.
Takoma Park Historic District
Spring Place, NW - Square 3186, Lot 1, HPA #08-507, concept/installation of a parking lot.
The HPO recommended the Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act and delegate final approval to staff.
1795 Bull Place, NW, HPA #08-508, concept/demolition of shed and installation of a parking lot.
The HPO recommended the Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act and delegate final approval to staff. Approved, 7-0. For: Aurbach, Bacon, Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Sonderman, Taylor. Recused: Kane.