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HPRB March 27, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on March 27, 2008. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.


MARCH 27, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items on March 27, 2008.  

The Waffle Shop, 522 10th Street, NW, Case #07-37.
The staff report recommended that the Board designate the Waffle Shop, 522 10th Street, NW, as a District of Columbia landmark, exterior and interior. Designated by a vote of 7-0.

Federal-American National Bank, 615-21 14th Street, NW, HPA #08-167, concept/addition and interior alterations.
The restoration of the exterior of the landmark and the concept for the rear addition were approved contingent on the cladding material of the addition better relating to the color and character of the limestone on the historic building; final approval of these aspects of the proposal were delegated to the staff.  The general concept for the interior was approved, contingent on further study of materials selection and other elements outlined in the staff report; the interior treatment should return for additional review when appropriate.  Approved, 6-0.

1401 T Street, NW, HPA #08-189, alteration.
Deferred to the April HPRB Meeting at the request of the applicant. No vote taken.  

614 S Street, NW (Wonder Bread Bakery), HPA #08-195, concept/alterations, roof addition.
The conceptual design for rehabilitation and additions to the building were approved as recommended in the staff report; final approval delegated to the HPO. Vote: 7-0.

933 L Street, NW, HPA #08-119, alterations/rooftop addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the proposed addition with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: (A) The setback of the one-story addition, mechanical penthouse, and glass guard rail should all adhere to a 1:1 ratio of setback to height, in order to minimize the visibility and visual impact on the massing of the building; (B) The setback of the addition from the side (east) elevation should be 4' on the front portion of the building; and (C) All of the side and rear elevations of the addition should be clad in brick.  Approved, 7-0.

Northeast Library, 330 7th Street, NE, HPA #08-158, concept/restoration, alterations.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alterations to the landscape as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.  The Board stressed the need for DCPL to continue to work with the community and explore a community partnership for maintenance of the landscape.  Vote: Approved, 5-1.

510 8th Street, NE, HPA #06-312, front and rear alterations and roof addition.
The Review Board voted as follows: deny the roof additions as designed (7-0); deny the change in the door height (4-3); approve the basement windows and window well, provided that the electric meters can be located here (4-3).  Permit issuance is contingent on receipt of a structural engineer’s report detailing how the adjacent properties will be protected during excavation.

130 14th Street, NE, HPA #08-164, concept/front and side additions.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff , with the following conditions; during construction every effort will be made to protect the existing landscape in the public space, including a construction fence limiting the work area to only the property owned by the Church after which construction may commence on the stairs in public space; all existing trees will be maintained during construction and relocated or replaced if needed.   Vote: Approved 7-0.

2230 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, HPA #08-165, curb cut and driveway in public space, façade alteration for garage door.
The case was deferred at request of applicant to April meeting

1724 Park Road, NW, HPA #08-199, alteration/three-story rear addition.
The Board expressed its concern over the work that had been undertaken on the property that had exceeded the scope of work in the approved permit.  As well, in light of proposed alterations to the plans, the Board withheld taking action on the case until the time when revised drawings could be presented.  

MARCH 27, 2008

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following consent items on March 27, 2008.  These items were proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record, without discussion The Consent Calendar was approved by a vote of 6-0-1.

Williams-Addison House amendment, 1645 31st Street, NW, Case #07-38.
This case was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to be considered at some future date.

Capitol Hill Historic District
612 E Street, SE, HPA #08-122, concept/addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the project in concept as consistent with the Historic Protection Act and delegate final approval to staff.

410 10th Street, NE, HPA #08-193, concept/new front basement entry.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, delegating final approval to staff.

Cleveland Park Historic District
3434 Ashley Terrace, NW, HPA #08-191, concept/new attic dormer windows.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.

3431 34th Street, NW, HPA #08-192, concept/three-story rear addition.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the proposed addition with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: (A) The roofline of the addition should be restudied so as to have it be lower than the ridge of the existing roof; (B) The design of the proposed shed dormers should be restudied in order to have them be in keeping with the overall design of the addition, including lowering their location on the roof.

3508 Rodman Street, NW, HPA #08-200, concept/two-story rear addition and new entry canopy.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the proposed addition and alterations with the following conditions and delegate final approval to staff: (A) The massing of the rear addition should be restudied so as to pull in the main plane of the addition from the side (east) while allowing for the addition of a projecting bay; (B) The design of the rear elevation should be restudied in order to simplify it through the use of a double gable;  and (C) The design of the rear shed dormer should be restudied in order to have it be in keeping with the overall character of the house.      

Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site
901 E Street, NW, HPA #08-194, concept/alterations.
The staff report recommended the Review Board approve the alterations as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegate final approval to staff.
