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HPRB December 17, 2009

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on December 17, 2009. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.


DECEMBER 17, 2009

The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on December 17, 2009. Present were: Tersh Boasberg, Catherine Buell, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Christopher Landis, Pamela Scott, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor. Absent was Elinor Bacon.

1020 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, HPA #10-076, enclosure of front porch.
The HPRB denied the after-the-fact application for enclosing the front porch, and directed the applicant to return the porch to its previous condition.  Vote: 7-0. Scott arrived midway through the case and did not vote on this matter.

2608-2612 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #09-241, revised concept/new construction.
The Board approved the proposal in concept, with the conditions that the sides and rear be faced with brick to match the façade, rather than with brick block; that there be more study and revision of the balustrades and rooftop equipment; and that the stair core be pulled back even with the setback of the top floor.  Vote: 8-0.
901 U Street, NW, HPA #10-037, concept/façade rehabilitation and roof deck.
The HPRB approved the concept for a roof deck on the building, but directed the applicant to set the railing and bar further back from the edge of the building to reduce their visibility.  The Board approved the conceptual proposal to rehabilitate the facades, but directed the applicant to continue working with the staff on refining the design of the storefronts to reflect more traditional fenestration patterns and proportions.  Vote:  6-2. For: Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Landis, Scott, and Taylor. Against: Kane and Sonderman.

1932 9th Street, NW, HPA #09-393, revised concept/new construction.
The HPRB approved the revised design for the building on 9-1/2 Street with direction to eliminate the projecting glass roof balcony and to continue studying the fenestration.  The Board approved the revised design for the building on 9th Street, with direction that the storefront, use of tile, and setback for the roof deck railing be given further study, that the roof stairs be reduced in height, and that the balconies not project beyond the front building line.  The project was directed to return to the Board for final review when appropriate.  Vote:  8-0.  

1316 8th Street, NW, HPA #10-031, concept/third floor addition.
Citing the fractured context and altered character of the building, the HPRB found that this was a rare case in which a roof addition was appropriate and approved the 3rd floor addition in height and mass, and directed the applicant to work with staff on further development of the design.  Vote:  7-1. For: Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Landis, Scott, Sonderman, and Taylor. Against: Kane.

The HPRB did not approve the proposal for the areaway and roof deck, finding both to be incompatible as designed.  Vote: 7-1. Voting for the resolution of denial: Boasberg, Buell, Casarella, Kane, Scott, Sonderman, and Taylor. Voting against the resolution of denial: Landis.

Finding the rear elevation to be too aggressive, the applicant was also asked to restudy the proposal for the stacked rear decks and stairs (No vote taken).
1743-1755 N Street, NW, HPA #05-331, revised concept/alterations and addition to five rowhouses for hotel.
The HPRB deferred the case to the January 28, 2010 meeting, but directed the applicants and opponents to work with each other and the HPO on resolving contested factual issues regarding existing heights of buildings and property boundaries.  Revised plans and statements should be developed and submitted in a more timely manner to allow evaluation by opposing parties, the HPO and the HPRB.


The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the following consent items on December 17, 2009.  The items proposed for approval by the Board based upon the written record were approved by a vote of 7-0. Scott was not present for this first order of business and did not vote.

907 N Street, NW, HPA #10-072, concept/new construction.
The HPRB voted not to reopen the case and granted a two-year extension to the approved concept.

323 South Carolina Avenue, SE, HPA #10-070, concept/rehabilitation and rear addition.
The HPRB approved the concept as consistent with the purposes of the preservation act and delegated final approval to staff.

226 N Street, NW, HPA #10-034, concept/new construction.
The HPRB reaffirmed its conceptual approval for construction of a new three-story semi-detached rowhouse and delegated final approval to staff.

481 Ridge Street, NW, HPA #10-071, concept/rear addition.
The HPRB approved the conceptual design for the rear addition and partial enclosure of the side passage, contingent on the project not resulting in the need for a parapet wall being constructed above the existing front roof; final approval was delegated to staff.
