The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on July 22, 2010. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.
July 22, 2010
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on July 22, 2010. Present: Catherine Buell, Chair; Elinor Bacon, Maria Casarella, James Kane, Christopher Landis, Pamela Scott, Joseph Taylor. Absent: Tersh Boasberg, Robert Sonderman.
The Historic Preservation Review Board revised the Consent Calendar to include 532 1st Street, SE, and approved the following cases: 7-0 . [Detailed descriptions of the projects are posted on the HPO website]
203 12th Street, NE, HPA #10-354, concept/alteration of basement areaway
423 1st Street, SE, HPA #10-348, concept/two-story and basement rear addition
532 1st Street, SE, HPA #10-344, concept/basement areaway and window alterations.
657 E Street, SE, HPA #10-359, concept/roof alterations to non-contributing building
804 East Capitol Street, NE, HPA #10-356, concept/two-story side addition
The Board announced that it was forming three committees focusing on sustainability, landmark designations, and outreach and education.
The Board authorized the staff to republish a revised version of DCMR 10-C, Chapter 2 regarding procedures for the designation of historic landmarks and districts. Following a legal sufficiency review by the Office of the Attorney General, the revised proposed regulations would be published in the DC Register and allow for an additional public comment period.
“Preservation and Design Guidelines for Basement Entrances and Windows on Historic Property,” presentation of draft for Board and public comment.
The Board recommended that the guidelines be published for public comment, and suggested that HPO hold a session with interested stakeholders (preservation and community organizations, architects, contractors) to ensure further input and feedback. Mr. Kane offered to work with local architects to obtain illustrative drawings that could be incorporated into the guideline. Approved 7-0.
The James C. Dent House, 156 Q Street, SW, Case #09-07.
After receiving substantial testimony from the ANC and community members in support of the nomination, the Board designated the James C. Dent House a D.C. Landmark and recommended that the application be forwarded to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as of local significance. The Board requested HPO work with the Board’s Landmark subcommittee to include minor revisions regarding the role of and relationship of the building’s architect. Approved 7-0.
728 9th Street, SE, HPA #10-313, concept/rear addition.
The Board approved the subdivision and addition in concept, with further review delegated to staff, with particular attention to be paid to the limitation of structural demolition beyond the removal of the ell. Staff recommendation approved 5-2, Taylor and Kane dissenting.
3512 Porter Street, NW, HPA #10-349, concept/rear and roof addition.
The Board approved the restoration of the front porch and the addition with the conditions that the connector be recessed approximately 1’ on the sides, the side bay be eliminated, the addition’s height be lowered and its roof form simplified. Approval was delegated to staff. 7-0
918 16th Street/1600 K Street, NW, HPA #10-361, concept/public space café.
The Board approved the conceptual design for the creation of a paved area in public space for use as an outdoor café. Staff recommendation approved: 7-0
1919 12th Street, NW, HPA #10-345, concept/roof deck.
The Board directed the applicant to restudy and revise the proposal to eliminate the roof deck and stair penthouse’s visibility as seen from the street. Staff recommendation approved: 7-0.
1461 S Street, NW, HPA #10-360, concept/rear and roof additions.
The Board approved the conceptual design for the proposed rear addition, garage replacement, and window and door alterations, with the condition that the form and slope of the garage roof be reconsidered; the Board found the proposed mansard roof addition was not consistent with its principle that roof additions should not alter the height and roofline of houses that are part of a continuous row, and that the roof addition would fundamentally alter the character of this house which has been recognized as having historical as well as architectural significance. Staff recommendation approved: 5-2 (Landis and Scott dissenting)
Watterston House, 224 2nd Street, SE, HPA #10-353, revised concept/addition, alterations.
After some discussion, the applicants withdrew the application and agreed to work with HPO staff to return to a design that is close to the previously approved concept. No vote was taken. [Buell recused]