The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on October 25 and November 1, 2011. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.
Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.
October 25 and November 1, 2012
The HPRB met to consider the following items on October 25, 2012. Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Acting Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Maria Casarella, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Robert Sonderman, and Joseph Taylor. Catherine Buell absent.
Barr Building, 910 17th Street, NW, Case #10-15.
The Board voted to designate the Barr Building at 910 17th Street, NW a Historic Landmark to be entered into the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended forwarding the nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote: 8-0.
Arthur and May Baker House, 1767 Lanier Place, NW, Case #10-21.
The Board voted not to designate the Arthur and May Baker House, 1767 Lanier Place, NW, a historic landmark and recommended that the nomination not be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with a recommendation for listing. Vote: 6-1-1.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1770 Euclid Street, NW [pending landmark] HPA #12-611, revised
concept for seven-story addition.
The Board approved the revised concept for a seven-story addition to the church, but asked the applicants to continue studying the landscaping plan (to reduce paving as much as possible and provide a green setting for the church), restudy the color of the proposed materials (using lighter colors that provide less of a sharp contrast with the church), the proportions of the window groupings and tripartite organization, and the scale and detailing of the penthouses. Vote: 8-0, with a request that the project return to the Board for further review when appropriate.
900 16th Street, NW, HPA #12-344, revised concept, new construction.
The Board approved the revised concept as compatible with the character of the 16th Street Historic District, with recommendations for further study on materials and detailing; found that the existing landmark would have lost its integrity once the church building is demolished, and therefore demolition of the Christian Science Monitor Building would not have to be reviewed by the Mayor’s Agent; and asked that the project return for further review by the Board when appropriate. Vote: 7-0 (Casarella recused).
1321 21st Street, NW, HPA #12-502, rear addition. This case was deferred to the November 29 meeting at the request of Councilmember Evans.
650 New York Avenue, NW, HPA #12-305, concept/subdivision, alteration, new construction, rehabilitation of multiple historic buildings.
The Board found the proposed lot combination subdivision, relocation of 639 New York Avenue and 632 L Street, and proposed height and mass of the new construction to be generally compatible with the character of this location within the Mount Vernon Square Historic District. The HPRB found the curvilinear element on the west elevation to be insufficiently integrated into the design and for further study of this element and the L Street elevation, and for the project to return to the Board on the agenda for further review when appropriate. Vote: 8-0.
1826 11th Street, NW, HPA #12-521, concept/new construction, three-story residential row building.
The Board directed the architect to continue studying and refining the proposed façade composition and materials, as outlined in the HPO report, and return to the Board when appropriate. Vote: 7-0.
3312 Newark Street NW, HPA #12-568, concept/rear addition and deck.
The HPRB found the alterations to be compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the preservation act and delegated final approval to staff. Vote: 7-0 (Aurbach absent).
The HPRB unanimously approved the following items on the consent calendar, 7-0 (Ally absent):
Strand Theater, 5129-5131 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE, HPA #12-614, renewal of concept for rehabilitation and addition.
712 A Street, SE, HPA #12-561, concept/rear addition.
1134 C Street, NE, HPA #12-608, concept/rooftop addition on non-contributing house.
1454-1/2 Q Street, NW, HPA #12-518, rear addition and roof deck.
2012-2014 Kalorama Road, NW, HPA #12-625, concept/three-story rear addition.
1223 5th Street, NW, HPA #12-621, concept/new construction, two-story rowhouse.
The Board asked that the HPO work with the applicant and DDOT to ensure that unused curb cuts and public space paving adjacent to the site will be removed as a result of construction.
2523 P Street, NW, HPA #12-584, one-story, rear, sunroom addition.
The HPRB met to consider the following items on November 1 2012. Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Acting Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Maria Casarella, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, and Robert Sonderman. Catherine Buell and Joseph Taylor absent.
Wire Building, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Case #10-18.
The Board voted to designate the Wire Building at 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW a Historic Landmark to be entered into the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended forwarding the nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Vote: 6-1.
Wire Building, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, HPA #12-582, raze.
At the owner’s request, consideration of the raze application was deferred until January 2013.
Spingarn High School [pending landmark], 2500 Benning Road, NE, HPA #13-004, courtesy review for proposed streetcar car barn.
The Board accepted the location of the car barn on the proposed site but emphasized the valuable contribution of the green space to the Spingarn campus and determined that the new facility would result in adverse impacts that needed to be more effectively mitigated. The proposed building was found to be insufficiently civic in nature, and needed to be reduced in size and more contextually related to the open space and the other buildings on the site. The Board suggested looking at whether certain functions (outdoor rail yards, parking) could be reduced in size, concealed through berming and landscaping, or located elsewhere, and whether certain site elements (fencing, poles, wires) could be simplified, revised to minimize the loss of green space and reduced in visual impact. The comments were provided as preliminary to a follow-up review; no formal action was taken.
[Casarella and Sonderman absent rest of day]
917 M Street, NW, HPA #12-503, concept/new construction, five-story multi-family residential building.
The Board found the general height and massing of the concept compatible with the historic district but directed the applicant to continue studying the M Street facade and north alley elevation to improve their compatibility with the streetscape and historic district, and return to the Board for further consideration. Vote: 5-0.
1212 9th Street, NW, HPA #12-504, concept/new construction, four-story residential and commercial building.
The Board found the concept compatible with the historic district, and delegated final approval, including review of visibility of the proposed penthouse, to staff. Vote: 5-0.
1211 G Street, SE, HPA #12-517, concept/renovation and new construction
The Board found the proposed subdivision, renovation, and new construction to be compatible with the historic building and the Capitol Hill Historic District. The Board directed the applicant to work with staff on the location of the exterior basement stairs, the design of the G Street entry doors, and final details on railing and fencing material, window and door specifications, and utility meters. Final approval was delegated to staff. Vote: 5-0.
2852 Connecticut Avenue, NW, HPA #12-570, concept/five-story rear addition.
The Board found the concept for the proposed demolition, alterations, and the construction of the addition to be compatible with the character of the historic district with respect to the immediate context, with the conditions that:
• the uppermost, partial story initially proposed be removed from the addition;
• the applicant perform a “stick,” “balloon” or “flag” test to demonstrate that the addition and the higher roof of the main of the main block will not be visible from Connecticut Avenue;
• the siding be removed from the addition and replaced by brick to match the remainder of the structure;
• the rearward projection or cantilever from the addition;
• the project minimize demolition of the house’s rear wall;
• the applicant consider the reduction of the size of the court in order to bring the addition closer to the main block;
• any alterations or repairs to the front of the building be detailed and reviewed at a later date, along with any proposed structural demolition within the building; and
• the plans be further revised to provide more information on materials and details, with a delegation to staff of further review.
Vote: 5-0.
7051 Spring Pl NW, HPA #11-518, revised concept/new construction five-story residential building.
The Board found the revised concept design to be compatible with the character of the historic district, and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, and delegated final approval to staff. Vote 5-0.
1738 Park Road, NW, HPA #12-624, concept/third story and rear additions.
The Board found the concept for the demolition, additions and alterations to be compatible with the character of the historic district, with a delegation to staff of further review, subject to the conditions that:
• the roof addition match the masonry of the rest of the house but be distinct by not continuing the third-story cornice across its parapet and by not replicating the bay projection at the third floor;
• the rear addition’s siding be wood or fiber-cement horizontal siding, with an exposure not to exceed six inches;
• the roof deck and stair enclosures be pulled back from the front and side of the house, and the enclosure be lowered as feasible, so as not be visible from Park Road, to be determined by a stick test, and that the deck be pulled entirely off the rear addition;
• the side leadwalk branch off the front leadwalk;
• the extent of areaways and window wells be minimized;
• the location of the front door not be changed;
• the electric meter cabinet be placed in an inconspicuous location and screened;
• the rear yard retain as much unpaved, green area as possible.
Vote: 5-0.