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Office of Planning

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DC Office of Planning Mapping Services

The DC Office of Planning makes maps and spatial data available to ensure that everyone has the information necessary to participate in the planning process.

Our products include:

Other Sources for DC Maps and Related Information

Additional mapping services

OP strives to deliver maps to diverse audiences cost-effectively. For that reason, our preferred approach is to serve customers via resources available to everyone on our website. We concentrate on developing interactive maps that can be “zoomed-in” to specific areas of interest rather than on custom paper or Adobe PDF format maps for specific places.

On occasion, we may be able to create specific maps to meet specific requests. If customers need additional available information we may be able to include it on a new map, consistent with available time and resources, and pursuant to these guidelines:

OP is able to provide

  • Maps that display information available within our office.
  • Maps that focus on specific Wards, ANCs, Historic Districts, or other well-defined areas. Note that DC does not have official neighborhood boundaries, and we do not try to draw them.
  • Simple spatial analyses on our maps as needed, e.g. “areas within a quarter mile of… ” (Unfortunately, we cannot include more complex analyses.)
  • Maps that include a series of dots representing additional information, providing that customers submit a clean list of addresses and tell us what they represent.
  • Our maps use OP's standard formats and branding, and include a small OPID tracking number. We recommend that customers do not obscure that tracking number because it helps us identify each of our maps.
  • Maps are provided with important disclaimers: our maps are created for planning purposes only, and we direct customers to the source agencies for definitive information. For example, the Office of Zoning is the definitive source for zoning maps, and the Office of the Surveyor is the definitive source for property boundaries.

OP is not able to provide

  • Custom maps showing substantially the same information available on existing products.
  • Maps that require OP to research new information.
  • Maps that make information provided by our customers appear to have been provided by OP.
  • Maps that bear customers' logos.

About the process of requesting these services

  • Customers requesting additional maps should call (202) 442-7600 during normal business hours to speak to a member of our mapping team. OP does not provide an on-line order form.
  • We limit the amount of information on our maps to ensure that they are readable.
  • We may choose large page sizes to simplify the process of labelling complicated maps.
  • Our staff will typically send an Adobe PDF ‘proof’ of a map by email before printing it. We ask that customers be thoughtful when making an initial request, and attentive to all of the details when receiving a proof email. We can revise a map if necessary, but in fairness to other customers, we can only make one revision.
  • We do our best to balance competing demands, but cannot promise to produce a map immediately upon request. Customers may generally expect to have a map within a week.


  •  Electronic maps are provided at no cost. We charge nominal fees for printed maps that we create. All customers other than DC agencies pay these fees:
  First Copy   Duplicate copies
  map created pre-existing (at the same time)
Size for you map (maximum 5)
Letter (8.5 x 11) $10 $4 $0.25
Tabloid (11 x 17) $15 $6 $0.25
24 x 36 $40 $13 $3
36 x 48 $60 $15 $5


More about maps from OP

  • By using OP's mapping services, customers understand and agree that any information provided to OP may be available to others and that we may include it on other maps.
  • Customers may use our maps however they wish, without restriction.
  • We rely on datasets shared by other DC government agencies and rely on the source agencies to keep the information that they share up-to-date.
  • Our maps are created for planning purposes from a variety of sources. They are neither surveys not legal documents. We encourage customers to verify key information with the source agencies where appropriate.