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Office of Planning

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Work Requiring HPRB Review

The following types of major work on historic properties must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) for evaluation at a public meeting, and do not qualify for expedited review.


New Construction

  • New buildings
  • New two-story garages and garages prominently visible from a street

Major Additions

  • Front and side additions
  • Large rear additions (more than 250 square feet in footprint or 500 square feet on two or more levels)
  • Front porch enclosures and new front porches (other than reconstruction of missing original porches)
  • Roof additions and roof decks visible from a street

Major Alterations

  • Front alterations, such as new dormers, entrances, and entrance features
  • New or significant alterations to window or door openings on front facades
  • Significant alteration or removal of important architectural features, such as special windows, distinctive materials, or decorative elements

Major Site Work

  • New curb cuts, driveways and parking pads in front and often side yards


  • Subdivisions involving historic landmarks, significant changes in lot boundaries, or a major combination or division of lots
  • Work that exceeds HPO delegated authority
  • Work that HPO identifies as inconsistent with HPRB standards