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Office of Planning

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Posted Notice for HPRB Cases

Applicants who have applied to the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) for project review are required to give public notice by posting a placard or placards on the property as directed.

Step 1: Apply for HPRB Concept Review

After receiving and reviewing your application, HPO will send you a confirmation email with the following information:

  • Project Case Number
  • Public Notice requirement instructions and notice placards, for you to download, print and post on the property

Step 2: Post the Notice Placards

Print and post the placard(s) on the property no later than five days after filing the application. Placard(s) must be in plain view of the public, at each street frontage on the property that is subject to review, and on the front of each building on the property that is subject to review. Use the following links to download and print a copy of the placards. HPO will provide you with the assigned filing number for your project.

Step 3: Submit Photos

Submit photos of the placards in place via email to [email protected].

Step 4: Provide Notice to Abutting and Confronting Property Owners

Project applicants are responsible for providing notification of their pending project to abutting and confronting property owners.  HPO will send you a second email with instructions on how to do that, including a list of those properties to which notice must be served.  This email will also include a self-certification form for you to sign and return that states that all notice requirements have been met.

Step 5: Submit Certification of Notice

Complete the Notice Requirements for HPRB form and email an electronic copy to [email protected]. Maintain the notice until the HPRB has held its meeting on the application.


If you are not able to print the notice placards, please email us at [email protected] and we will make alternative provisions.