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Historic Preservation Specialist

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Job ID: 24654

Opening Date: 1/2/2024

Closing Date: 1/13/2024

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Job Summary

This position is located in the Office of Planning, Historic Preservation Office.  The Office of Planning has the lead responsibility for planning the physical and economic development of the District of Columbia, and strategically guides the preservation, revitalization and development of the city using diversity of disciplines involving the broadest range stakeholders.  The Office of Planning provides vision, framework and principles to guide public and private development decisions and supports and coordinates efforts to encourage housing and neighborhood revitalization; to expand the employment base for District residents; to promote the local economy, to protect historic and cultural features; and to retain, expand and attract new businesses.  The Historic Preservation Office supports and coordinates efforts throughout the Office of Planning to encourage and regulate the rehabilitation and reuse of historic properties by private property owners and local and Federal agencies.

Duties and Responsibilities

Incumbent evaluates rehabilitation, alteration and new construction projects for consistency with local preservation laws, guidelines, standards, and practices; prepares monthly written evaluative case reports with recommendations to the Historic Preservation Review Board on permit and concept applications for alterations, subdivisions, demolitions, and new construction in historic districts and on designated historic landmarks.

Conducts evaluations, prepares letters and reports, and participates in Section 106 consultations with federal agencies.  Provides technical expertise to the Office chief necessary for the selection and administration of applications for grants-in-aid from the Department of the Interior for historic preservation projects.  Prepares and presents, upon request by supervisor, historic preservation lectures, speeches, and slide presentations to local universities, citizens’ groups, and neighborhood associations; addresses and participates in neighborhood-based meetings, forums, and workshops regarding preservation issues.

Click here to learn more about the position and apply today.