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Office of Planning

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Residential Apartment (RA-1) Zoning Text Amendment

Purpose of the RA-1 Zoning Regulation Review and Text Amendment

The Office of Planning (OP) is reviewing the Residential Apartment (RA-1) zoning regulations and intends to propose changes. This review was requested by the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA), and is also in response to issues raised by ANCs and residents at BZA public hearings. The project goals are to:

  • Analyze the regulation language against current RA-1 intent, review standards, and development patterns
  • Identify ANC and community concerns related to new residential development in RA-1
  • Identify improvements to the regulations and new development review standards
  • Continue to promote flexibility for new, diverse development that is compatible with existing development patterns
  • Allow reasonable expansions of residential buildings by-right
  • Allow new rowhouses by-right in RA-1

As part of this initiative, OP will not be proposing changes to the zoning map. Proposed text amendment changes would apply only to land currently zoned RA-1.

The proposed text amendments will address the following sections of the zoning regulations (11 DCMR ZR16):

  • Residential Apartment Zones Subtitle F § 200-212 Development Standards
  • Residential Apartment Zones Subtitle F § 5201 Special Exception Requirements
  • Use Permissions Subtitle U § 401 (uses permitted as a matter-of-right)
  • New Residential Development in RA-1 Subtitle U § 421 (application requirements and review criteria)

Background on the RA-1 Zone

The RA-1 zone is designed to permit flexibility by allowing low-to-moderate-density residential development, including detached houses, row houses, and low-rise apartment buildings. The Naval Observatory Residential Apartment (RA-1/NO) zone is similar to RA-1 but specifies that the use of land adjacent to or in close proximity to the Naval Observatory protects Federal interest concerns. The highest concentration of the RA-1 zoned properties is in Wards 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.​

All new residential developments, except those comprising all one-family detached and semi-detached dwellings, are reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as special exceptions. In other words, any proposal for a new rowhouse, flat (a building with two principal units), or a multi-family building requires special exception review, subject to conditions outlined in the zoning regulations. Additions to existing multi-family buildings also require review by the BZA.

Map of RA-1 Zone by Ward

View Meeting Materials

OP held two information sessions to present to ANCs and take questions. 

For More Information

Contact the project team at