Job ID: 25319
Opening Date: 02/26/2024
Closing Date: 03/03/2024
Job Summary
This position is located in the Office of Planning (OP), Development Review Division. OP has the lead responsibility for planning the long-term growth of the District of Columbia (D.C.) and provides the vision, framework and principles that guide land use change, growth, and development for an equitable and vibrant city. OP undertakes citywide and neighborhood planning and engagement; urban design and development review; historic preservation; mapping and data analysis; and serves as the official Census State Data Center. OP is the steward of the District's Comprehensive Plan, which advances housing, economic recovery, racial equity, resilience, and coordination of public resources and civic infrastructure.
The Development Review Specialist is responsible for analyzing project proposals that align with the policies contained in the District's Comprehensive Plan, which includes diversity and inclusion, applying a racial equity lens to ensure equality for all, in addition, the incumbent will participate in citywide and/or area planning. Work includes analyzing project proposals against zoning regulations, environmental regulations and other applicable plans, codes, ordinances, and procedures.
Duties and Responsibilities
The incumbent in this position will work with applicants, developers, architects and local neighborhood associations in the review of planning and zoning projects, including Planned Unit Developments, special exceptions, and variances. Works with other city agencies to review environmental assessments, street and alley closings and antenna proposals. Prepares written reports and recommendations to boards and commissions and makes public presentations to them. Manages the research and proposal of amendments to the zoning ordinance and map consistent with modern zoning practices, the Comprehensive Plan, and other District policies. Comprehensive Plan review includes a detailed and thorough analysis through a racial equity lens. Coordinates input from developers, neighborhood groups, and various District departments. Prepares written reports, graphics, statistical analysis, draft zoning text, and recommendations to the Zoning Commission and makes public presentations.
Participates in the preparation and amendment of community redevelopment plans, specific focus plans, and programs. Responds to inquiries from citizens, developers, engineers, architects, attorneys and others regarding zoning, permit processes, project review, design guidelines and general information both orally and in written correspondence. As assigned, serves on committees, task forces, special intra-department teams for the purpose of contributing technical expertise to achieve goals and objectives of work effort. Other duties may include preparation of scope of services for work to be performed by contractors; evaluation and recommendation of proposals and selection of contractors; and negotiations with developers and others with whom the Office of Planning may enter into contractual arrangements or the modification of contractual arrangements.
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