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HPRB May 23 and May 30, 2013

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Historic Preservaiton Review Board met to consider the following items on May 23 and May 30, 2013. Copies of staff reports related to cases listed below may be requested by email.

Video archives of the hearing are accessible on the office website.



The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on May 23, 2013.
Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach,  Maria Casarella, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Robert Sonderman, Joseph Taylor, and Charles Wilson.  
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4300 16th Street NW, Case #13-04.
The HPRB designated Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4300 16th Street NW, a historic landmark to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with a recommendation for listing as of local significance, with a period of significance of 1926 to 1956, covering the period of construction of the church to the completion of its parish house.  The Board requested that, prior to forwarding the nomination, it be revised to include more information on the church’s relationship with its site.  Vote: 7-0.
District of Columbia War Memorial, West Potomac Park, Case #13-07.
The HPRB designated the District of Columbia War Memorial and its grounds a historic landmark to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with a recommendation for listing as of local significance, with a period of significance of 1931 to 1939, encompassing its construction, landscaping, and early alterations and repairs. The Board requested that, prior to forwarding the nomination, it be revised to include more information on the role of District of Columbia residents in the war and on the visual relationships between the memorial and other monuments on the National Mall.  Vote: 8-0.
Bond Bread Factory (General Baking Company Bakery), 2146 Georgia Avenue NW, Case #13-11. 
The HPRB designated the General Baking Company Bakery (Bond Bread Factory) at 2146 Georgia Avenue a Historic Landmark to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites and recommended that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with a recommendation for listing at the local level of significance with a period of significance limited to the date of construction (1929-1930). Vote:  9-0.  
Washington Railway and Electric Company Garage, 2112 Georgia Avenue NW, Case #13-12. 
The HPRB designated the Washington Railway and Electric Company Garage, 2112 Georgia Avenue NW, a historic landmark to be entered in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and recommended that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places with a recommendation for listing as of local significance, with a period of significance of 1930 to 1958, the period of time from the building’s construction until the cessation of use of the property to house and service buses.  Vote: 9-0.
Bond Bread Factory (General Baking Company Bakery), 2146 Georgia Avenue NW, raze permit and concept (if designated as a landmark).
Washington Railway and Electric Company Garage, 2112 Georgia Avenue NW, raze permit and concept (if designated as a landmark.)
The HPRB took the following actions: 1.  Found the raze applications R1300018 and R1300019 for the Central Bus Garage and Bond Bread Buildings to be inconsistent with the purposes of the historic preservation law; 2.  Found that the proposed project will result in extensive demolition of significant portions of the Central Bus Garage and Bond Bread Buildings, which is not consistent with the purposes of the historic preservation law; 3.  Recommend that the applicant revise the proposed project to retain more of the historic buildings, modulate the mass of the new construction to create a more dynamic, less monolithic composition more fully integrated with the historic buildings, and take advantage of the opportunity to provide a more appropriate project consistent with the DUKE plan. Vote: 9-0.   
3428, 3430 and 3432 Oakwood Terrace NW, HPA #13-335, renewal of previously approved concept/
(HPA #11-071), construction of four rowhouses.
The Board renewed the conceptual approval of the proposed site plan, height, massing of the new construction, including the 17th Street wall, but with the applicant to return to the Board with further development of the design.  The Board requested that the applicant study: reduction of density and/or additional setbacks of the buildings; the relationship with 3434 Oakwood; additional distinction of individual rowhouse units, potentially by stepping them or staggering them; revision of the prominent, southern “apex” of the project, or its removal if it cannot be improved; further development of ornament and details, including removing the upper belt course; possible addition of entrance canopies and raising the entrances above grade.  The Board recommended that the applicant communicate revisions to the community.   Vote: 8-0.
513 U Street NW, HPA #13-109, concept/additions, alterations 
The case was deferred at the request of the applicant.
1846 2nd Street NW, HPA #13-316, permit/roof deck on two-story rowhouse.
The case was deferred due to the applicant not being present.
1235 4th Street NW, HPA #13-317, concept/stair penthouse and roof deck.
The staff recommends that the Board advise the Mayor’s Agent that the proposed alteration for a substantially visible stair penthouse at 1235 4th Street NW is not consistent with the purposes of the preservation law, because it is not compatible with the character of the historic district. Vote: 7-1.
901 16th Street NW HPA #13-324, concept/exterior alterations and addition to penthouse and extension to adjacent building. 
The HPRB took the following actions: 1.Found the subdivision, combining the two existing lots 824 and 61, to be consistent with the preservation law; 2.Found the basic massing of the new building compatible, and asked that the architect return to the Board for review after the elevations are developed; 3. Encouraged the architect to reinforce the original penthouse mass and minimize the connection piece by examining the mass, material choices, and detailing of the new construction, for further HPRB review; 4.Found the existing spandrel panels to be a defining feature that should be maintained; and (5) Advised the owner to incorporate a strategy for banner and signage elements into the new design.  Vote 8-0.
The Historic Preservation Review Board met to consider the following items on May 30, 2013.
Present: Gretchen Pfaehler, Chair; Rauzia Ally, Andrew Aurbach, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Robert Sonderman, and Charles Wilson.  Absent:  Maria Casarella and Joseph Taylor
418-420 New Jersey Avenue, SE, HPA #12-562, concept/raze and new construction.
The Board found the existing building to be non-contributing and approved the concept raze request. Final approval of the raze permit was delegated to staff. Vote: 6-1 (Metzger opposed). 
The Board found the new construction, as proposed, to be incompatible with the character of the historic district. The Board suggested that the applicants restudy the massing, materials, and fenestration of the recessed element of the façade; the slope and treatment of the roof; the massing of the one-story façade projection; and the location of the basement areaway. Final approval of the new construction was delegated to staff. Vote: 7-0.
McCormick Apartments, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, HPA #13-323, concept/penthouse roof addition, exterior and interior alterations.
The HPRB found the proposed concept for an infill addition within the private alley, a new entrance on P Street and a penthouse to be compatible with the building and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act.  The Board asked that the detailing of the penthouse dormers be simplified and for the new stair and entrance to be further developed, and for the project to return to the HPRB when appropriate.  Vote:  6-0 (Graham Davidson recused). 
1505 9th Street NW, HPA #13-274, concept/new construction of 4-story apartment building.
The HPO recommends that the Review Board find the concept design for a four-story building with oriel and mansard at 1505 9th Street NW compatible with the character of the Shaw Historic District and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, and delegate final approval to staff. Vote: 6-1.
1531 T Street NW, HPA #13-161, permit for upper roof deck.
HPRB approved the staff report and found the concept to be compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the purposes of the preservation act, with the following amendments: That the architect push the upper level roof deck toward the center of the roof, so that the railing is not visible from the alley side (or T Street), and to refine the stair and railing design to be a lighter, less bulky design. Delegate final approval to staff. Vote:7-0  
1902 17th Street NW, HPA #13-271, roof deck/roof addition. 
The HPO recommends that the Review Board find the concept for a visible roof addition to be incompatible with the Strivers Section Historic, and suggest that the architect may want to explore an alternative solution that fully integrates deck space into a compatible roof addition that maintains the simplicity of roofline that is characteristic of the historic district. HPRB seemed skeptical that a roof deck would work as it would be visible from the street.  The applicant requested no vote.  
Vote: No vote was taken.
Public comments on expedited review.
The Board heard comments on the proposed update to the regulations, and asked the HPO to consider and respond or incorporate those comments in a revised draft as appropriate.  
The Board approved the following items on the consent calendar on May 23. 
650 C Street, NE, HPA #13-219, concept/rear addition
211 C Street, NE, HPA #13-319, concept/rear addition
1216 18th Street NW, HPA #13-212, screening of mechanical equipment and roof top deck along
Jefferson Place elevation.
2001 15th Street, NW, HPA #11-407, revised concept/penthouse redesign. 