Job ID: 17669
Opening Date: 06/13/2022
Closing Date: 06/23/2022
Job Summary
The DC Office of Planning (OP) has the lead responsibility for planning the long-term growth of the District of Columbia. OP provides the vision, framework and principles that guide land use, change, growth and development of an equitable and vibrant city. OP undertakes citywide and neighborhood planning and engagement; urban design and development review; historic preservation; mapping and data analysis, and serves as the official Census State Data Center.
The position is in the Citywide Strategy and Analysis Division (CSAD). CSAD undertakes cross sector research, data and spatial analysis in order to develop policies and plans that advance the agency’s mission and priorities. The Division includes citywide planning, the State Data Center; and Geographic Information Systems; and expertise related to various sectors including housing, transportation, economic development, capital facilities and economic development. The Division helps develop and implement the Comprehensive Plan and other citywide initiatives, and supports OP’s development of area plans, urban design frameworks, community engagement and development review functions. CSAD also provides data and technical expertise to partner agencies.
The Community Planner serves in a highly inter-disciplinary and collaborative role as a senior-level urban planner within CSAD providing cross-system support. OP’s systems planning consists of analyzing data and formulating recommendations for various sectors, including: housing, economic development, capital facilities, infrastructure, transportation, and sustainability. The Community Planner is expected to help advance Citywide and Agency goals that fulfill the Comprehensive Plan’s vision of an equitable, inclusive and resilient city.
Duties and Responsibilities
Serves as a cross systems planner, performing duties under the direction of the Associate Director for Citywide Planning, The incumbent is responsible for senior-level planning activities, which include leading multi-phased initiatives; data, research and policy analyses; goal setting, project management; stakeholder engagement, and the development of recommendations and plans.
The incumbent works across systems on citywide and area-based efforts, including the Comprehensive Plan; reviews planning issues and opportunities in the context of capacity, change and growth; assesses initiatives through an equity and resilience lens; makes complex analyses and findings accessible to a wide range of audiences; vets recommendations with partner agencies and stakeholders; leads the preparation of briefing materials and reports; and helps advance housing affordability, mobility, inclusive prosperity, resiliency and sustainability.
Click here to learn more about the position and apply today.