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Office of Planning

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Comprehensive Plan

DC 2050

In 2025, the Office of Planning will embark on the first full rewrite of the District’s Comprehensive Plan in nearly 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan rewrite process will identify the challenges and opportunities the District faces to make sure that our city grows equitably, with vibrant and resilient neighborhoods. This is a once-in-a generation opportunity to collectively imagine a future that reflects our values.

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Comp Plan Status Update

View a status update on the District’s progress implementing the 2021 Comprehensive Plan.

Comp Plan Status Update

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

The Comp Plan is a high-level guide that sets a positive, long-term vision for the District of Columbia through the lens of its physical growth, equity, and change. The 2021 Comp Plan update will allow the District to meet challenges and opportunities in critical areas such as housing and economic recovery with a focus on equity and resilience.   

Why is the Comprehensive Plan important?

The Comp Plan includes policies and actions that set priorities for the District's land use, public services, infrastructure, and capital investments. The Comp Plan guides the use, density, and design of buildings within the District, directly shaping the city’s physical form as it changes and develops in the future. The Comp Plan is used by District agencies, residents, businesses, developers and other critical stakeholders to help guide growth and change toward a positive future both for today's residents and future generations.

2021 Comprehensive Plan and Supporting Documents
The following documents reflect the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.


  • Comprehensive Plan-Future Land Use Map (FLUM) PDF: This map is part of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendment. It provides a generalized view of how land in the District is intended to be used. It does not necessarily show land use as it exists today, and it does not show zoning information. Zoning maps are made available by the DC Office of Zoning.
  • FLUM Slider:
    The FLUM with slider tool shows how and where the FLUM has been updated between 2012 and 2021
  • Comprehensive Plan-Generalized Policy Map (GPM) PDF: This map is part of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendment. It categorizes how different parts of the District may change be between 2005 and 2025. It highlights areas where more detailed policies are necessary, both within the Comprehensive Plan and in follow-up plans, to manage this change
  • GPM Slider:
    The GPM with slider tool shows how the GPM has been updated between 2012 and 2021

Comprehensive Plan Resources