The State Data Center is the District of Columbia's official link to the US Census Bureau. A variety of demographic data is provided for the District by various topics and geography.
- OP Demographic Data Hub - One-stop shop for demographic data on the residents of the District of Columbia
- Open Data DC - Engage with the District through government open data.
- 2020 Census Data - Key Census 2020 data showing population totals and demographic characteristics.
- 2010 Census Data - Key Census 2010 data showing population totals and demographic characteristics.
- DC Quick Facts - Quick, easy access to facts about people, business, and geography.
- Reports - Summarized data and analyses on various demographic, housing, social and economic indicators.
- Tables - Compressed data on various subjects by topic area and geography.
- Infographics - Graphic visual representation of demographic information and data.
- American Community Survey (ACS) Estimates - ACS is an ongoing survey that provides data every year and features demographic, housing, social and economic profiles.
- Population Estimates – Publications on total resident population estimates and demographic components of change (births, deaths, and migration).
- Related Sites - Links to other related statistical data and information.
- DC Forecasts - Information on how the District's Househoulds, Population and Jobs are expected change over time.