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Workshop Planned for North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Feasibility Study

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

(Washington, DC) - The Office of Planning and the District Department of Transportation, in coordination with the National Capitol Planning Commission, have initiated a technical feasibility study of the North Capitol Street Cloverleaf. The purpose of the study is to explore opportunities to realize the potential of the corridor that will lead to long-term improvements in the livability and sustainability of the surrounding area and entire city. The study area includes North Capitol Street from (and including) Hawaii Avenue to Michigan Avenue and Irving Street, NE from Michigan Avenue, NE to Park Place, NW.

Goals of the study include:

  • Explore alternative intersection configurations for the cloverleaf at Irving Street;
  • Develop strategies to improve the gateway qualities of North Capitol Street by including accessible open spaces, civic spaces, memorials, and enhancing the public streetscapes; and
  • Develop recommendations for improving safety, connectivity and transportation operations

Please attend the community workshop to help develop alternative scenarios and design options for the cloverleaf interchange at Irving Street and North Capitol Street.

Saturday March 14, 2009
Open House 9 am to 10 am
Workshop 10 am to 12 pm
Pryzbyla Great Room
Catholic University Student Center
620 Michigan Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20064

The neighborhoods that are included in or are adjacent to the study area are: Bloomingdale, Brookland, Eckington,  Petworth, Park View, Pleasant Hills, and Pleasant Plains.

For information on the North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Feasibility Study and to learn about upcoming meetings, visit or contact Howard Ways, DC Office of Planning, at (202) 741-5219 or  [email protected], or Deborah Crain, DC Office of Planning, at (202) 442-7615 or [email protected] .  For information on transportation studies, contact Gabriela Vega, District Department of Transportation at (202) 478-1458 or [email protected].