HPRB July 30, 2020
The Historic Preservation Review Board will conduct the July 2020 meeting on Thursday, July 30. There will be no meeting on July 23.This event will take place as a virtual meeting. Instructions for accessing, submitting testimony before the meeting and testifying during the meeing is posted to this page.
Public comments are welcome on HPRB cases. Written public comments must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. The final deadline for cases on July 30th is 10AM on Wednesday, July 29. Any comments received after the final deadline will held for the record but not distributed to the HPRB members.To testify before the HPRB via Webex, you must register 24 hours in advance. Please submit your name and the case you wish to testify on by emailing [email protected]. Instructions for testifying will be emailed to you in advance of the meeting.
Due to the COVID-19 public the July 30 HPRB meeting can be accessed live via WebEx. Use the link below for access to the meeting:
July 30 event link: https://dcnet.webex.com/dcnet/onstage/g.php?MTID=ec6176dced8eb0204451ecf2859590610July 30 event number: 160 915 9087
July 30 event password: tEmJAwC9s5
July 30 call-in number: 1-650-479-3208
Project Drawings for HPRB applications are now posted on the Office of Planning website. Please select the "HPRB & CFA Project Drawings" button and open the appropriate historic district folder. Drawings are filed by address and are in order of the date added to the website. Please send us an email if you are unable to locate specific project drawings.
View drawings and case materials for the meeting of the HPRB here.
Posting Schedule
Public notice 21 days before the meeting
Agenda and reports 5 days before the meeting
Record of action One week after the meeting