The New York Avenue Green Infrastructure Assessment, from North Capitol Street, NW to Bladensburg Road, NE in Ward 5, provides an assessment of opportunities to improve public space and the pedestrian realm along the corridor through low impact development (LID) and transportation improvements.
The Office of Planning initiated the New York Avenue Green Infrastructure Assessment in Summer 2010 and completed the assessment in Spring 2011.
The purpose of the project is to conduct a green infrastructure assessment for the Corridor that:
- Provides recommendations on installing environmentally-progressive practices along the Corridor and Ivy City. Sample investments include additional street trees, rain gardens, permeable pavement, bio-retention cells, multi-chamber catch basins and other storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques.
- Develops conceptual design drawings to showcase the potential techniques along the Corridor and Ivy City.
- Showcases investments that can be efficiently integrated into the New York Avenue Corridor Study by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and other planned roadway improvements in Ivy City without negatively impacting those planned improvements.
For more information, contact Laine Cidlowski, Urban Sustainability Planner for the DC Office of Planning at (202) 442-8809 or by email at [email protected].