The Office of Planning will host a virtual roundtable on the proposed Expanded Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) concept on July 15 at 4 PM via WebEx.
To access the WebEx roundtable discussion please use the following link or call-in information:
WebEx link:
Event number: 160 289 8350
Event password: hZWHYjrc237
Call-in number: 1-650-479-3208
Interested persons or representatives of organizations may be heard at the roundtable. All individuals, organizations, or associations wishing to testify at the virtual roundtable are strongly encouraged to sign up to testify at least 24 hours prior to the start of the hearing by sending an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. For more information on how to participate please see the notice document attached below.
Additionally, written statements may be submitted for consideration in lieu of personal appearances or oral presentation. The public is encouraged to submit written testimony by email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Please include a clear reference to the Case 20-02 Enhanced IZ Roundtable in your submission. Please see the notice document attached below for more information on how to submit written statements.
Instructions on accessing the WebEx roundtable discussion are attached below.