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HPRB February 26 and March 18 2015

Notice:  The Historic Preservation Review Board will meet to consider the following item on March 18, 2015, for a case originally scheduled for March 5, 2015. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am at 441 4th Street NW in Room 220 South.




March 18, 2015




14th Street Historic District

1421 Corcoran Street, NW, HPA 15-139, raze of non-contributing building;   construction of three-story rowhouse   (This case is deferred to March 26 at the request of the applicant)


Downtown Historic District

6.    10:00 – 12:00   610-624 Eye Street NW, HPA 14-242, revised concept, addition/new construction



The District of Columbia Historic Preservation Review Board Meeting of February 26 and March 18 2015 is profiled through the Monthly Public Notice, a list of all cases recorded by the filing deadline, and later by the Agenda and Consent Calendar, a list of cases drawn from the Notice that will be heard by the Historic Preservation Review Board on the appropriate dates.  Staff reports related to each case will be provided when the Agenda is posted. Finally, one week after the hearing concludes, the HPRB Actions document, a record of the HPRB vote, is released. All are accessible as attachments on this page.  

Please Note:  Hearings for the two landmark nominations listed on the Agenda - Corcoran Gallery of Art and West Heating Plant - will take place on March 26 and April 23.  Hearings for these cases WILL NOT take place February 26 or March 18. Both landmark nominations are posted on our website. Please scroll to the appropriate addresses.